So After our short stay in Boston we were on for another grueling train day Monday 17th March. It was an early start with a taxi to the train station and the 0605am train back to NYC, was a quite train and we pretty much slept the whole way. At NYC after a couple of hours stopover we caught our next train upto Niagara falls, as the train left NYC we followed what we think was the Hudson (river) for what seemed hours till we came to mountains and snowy fields. The train gradually emptied out and it went dark outside till it was around midnight when the last few of us alighted the train at Niagara Falls. The only downside is that it was the US side, so after another short cab ride we were at the Hotel and soon tucked up in bed.
we woke up for our first full day in Niagara falls on Tuesday 18th March and we headed straight down to the falls, along the way stopping to play in the snow, play with the icicles and talk to a local bloke called mike who took some pics for us. We walked carefully down the hill towards the falls, the straight american ones coming into view first and then the amazing horseshoe canadian falls. The effect of the snow around them was amazing and the mist of the canadian falls was great, it was like it was raining but it wasn't. unfourtanly the river was frozen over so no trip on the maid of the mist. So instead we done the behind the falls tour, taking the elevator down a long way instead of the usual up in the in the big cities. The view from the main area was cool, again because of the ice we couldn't see out of the view portals behind the falls, but hey you can't have everything!
Afterwards we walked back towards the blackpool part of the town and had a look around the herseys and coca-cola shop (had a coke float). We then over a coffee decided what fun pass to get and decided on the one that included the mini-golf (thankfully indoors althought could have been fun in the snow). So we played the minigolf and as usual to corinnes grumpy paddy wolfie wonbut only by 2 points she is getting better! Afterwards we headed to the arcade and started collecting tickets for crappy prizes. Later on after tea at the hardrock cafe we headed back and got a film at the hotel.
Wednesday 19th March was a miserable one outside a low mist hugging all the buildings in the city. So we took our time packing as we were getting the overnight train to Chicago that evening and then headed out to finish the funpass off. First stop was the poopiest wax works every and it really was poop i think they just made most off them up! we then spent a few hours drinking coffee and writting journals till it cleared up and we went on the big wheel that overlooked the falls. its kinda like the one in manchester but with better views. We got our crappy prizes from the arcade the usual collection of rubbish except for the mini-boogle type thingy.
As the Evening drew in we went to montana's a decidingly canadian restaurant with all you can eat ribs. We ordered (wolfie the ribs) corinne had meatloaf and after 4 full racks we headed outside into the snow which started of a gental powdering before getting going into a full-on sleet blizzard. Arrivng back at the hotel wet after seeing the fall lite up we called richy the taxi driver and headed for the station in Buffalo and the overnight train.
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