After boarding the train on sunday we spent just over 25 hours on it but we had our own little cabin which we played cards and read to keep us entertained. Included in the price was our meals and at each of them we got talking to some nice americans and we swapped stories and chatted for nearly 2 hours at every meal! At around 5pm local time on Monday 24th March we arrived in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We were made up because the sun was out so it was flip-flops, shorts and sunglasses time woo woo.
We got to the hotel dropped out stuff off freshened up and headed of to the old town. It was like something out of one of the old wild west films. After spending some time looking around we got some nice local food and then went on a crazy ghost tour which was well funny. It turns out that the bathroom in the restaurant that corinne used is apparently one of the most active hauntings in the whole of the US. They took us around town for just under 2 hours and explained some history and told us more scary stories. Anyways afterwards we were left in a desserted town wondering if any of the ghosts were gonner pop up and say hello! but they didn't so we caught a cab backand went to sleep corinne insisting with the light on!
Tuesday 25th march started like many a day in america has with us packing! Once done we caught a bus down route 66 to the Albuquerque aquarium and botanical gardens which for a joint ticket was only $7 each who cheap. So that killed a few hours and with it being such a nice day we had another stroll, walking past the Rio Grande (thats joins and runs along the US/Mexico boarder not far from where we were). We had lunch in the old town before picking up our bags and once more boarding the train! The card games have taken a new twist we us playing games for m&m's the winner getting 3 peanut butter ones hmmmmmmm! Corinne had a cup of tea and was desperate for one but wolfie won the first 3 games so she resorted to cheating and tring to rob them . Anyways after a sleep and a shuttle bus to Las Vegas we arrived tired but excited and eventually checked in at 0430am. Hardcore travelling eh!!!!!!!!
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