We had a slow start to Sunday 30th March in San diego waking and having breakfast doing some washing and then some food shopping. Finally we headed out for the afternoon up to point loma. It was a bit of a walk and then a bus ride up past the militiary areas and arriving at the point. It offers views accross the harbour of san diego, down into mexico and out onto the pacific ocean. During certain times of the year you can see migrating whales but we had arrived just out of season.
We spent a little bit of time exploring the old light house and the area around the pennisula. Waiting for the bus back we got talking to a couple of nice people from poland who were living in chicago and on vacation. We talked to them whilst taking 3 buses to get back to the hostel. At one point they said that they were a little cold so went into a liquar store and got some vodka! Later on in the evening after dinner there was a mini bonfire and some games at the hostel. We played with a very international crowd eric from norway, evelyn from switzerland and a couple of girls from the UK sarah and tania.
On Monday 31st March we had the free pancake breakfast at the hostel and then headed to downtown San Diego we walked along the Harbor front and checked out the midway museum. An old aircraft carrier now open to the public (cookie when you come to san diego check this place out), its been reconditioned and restored and as time goes on they open more and more to the public. You scale the ship from the engine rooms below water level right up to the flight deck were they have a host of aircraft including a tomcat like of top gun.
After the museum we walked down to the seaport village and then upto the gaslamp quater, named so for its posh lights! After some shopping and drinking we headed back to the hostel for some tea and some more games giving up the sheep that we won on niagara falls as a prize! We never won it back but tania did grow it in the hostel! So it was alright.
Starting our 2nd month away we used the first of our tickets out of the book for San Diego zoo, seaworld, disneyland, disney california adventure and universal studios. It was Tuesdy 1st April and we spent the day at the zoo with sarah one of the english girls from birmingham who lives down in cornwall. We had a great day checking out some of the shows they have their. The animals including pandas, polar bears, american type animals and some amazing big cats. We spent some time watching the gorillas and after being eyed up by the baby gorilla he picked up a stick and charged us beating it against the glass, the orangutans where funny with the little one purposly upsetting one of the older ones by weeing on him. After a long and tiring day at the zoo we spent some time in the evening at the hostel.
Wednesday 2nd April started with a bit of an adventure into mexico just a trolley ride away and just on the other side of the border is Tijuana!!!!!!!!!! It was weird despite no more than a couple of miles apart it was a different world. outside every shop were its mexican owners trying to get you in, we had some food and beers at 11am and the waiter was trying to pour tequilla down my (wolfie) neck. Anyway we watched the first half of the game (liverpool v arsenal). We walked around a bit more bought a few bits and dodged more shop and strip club owners trying to entice us in!
Back accross the border we headed to the farmers market, a collection of local farmers, foodies, hippies and generally selling all sorts. We walked around and purchased some more bits including some stuff for tea. Wolfie (tats me) also bought a surfboard 2nd hand for $475 9ft 1in, with all the bits came to just over $850 (including the wetsuit brand new 4/3 o'neill) BARGIN!!!!!!
Our next stop on the Park tickets was on Thursday 3rd April to seaworld!!!!!!! was so cool as soon as we got there we went straight to see shamu. it was absolutely amazing to see the orcas gliding across the viewing window occasionally stopping to look at people and take in what was going on! We stopped to see the dolphins at the meeting pool and take in the californian sea otters which we cool.
We watched the dolphin and pilot whale show and sat in the splash zone, getting only a little wet though. there was the sea lion show next with some cool little otters in it and one of them even carried out a can of coke! The final show of the morning was the shamu show which was amazing and this time corinne wouldn't sit in the splash zone ! but it was still amazing and the people in the splash zone did get very very wet!
after the show we went on the river rapids rides, where there were these machines that you can put a quater in and press the button to water canon however is on the ride we did it to some people and some people did it to us when we were on!!!!! We got very wet indeed. We took in the rest of the park including the shark zone, the penguins and the artic area with polar bears, walrus's and beluga whales! after an amazing day we headed back so that we could pack for disney!
Friday 4th April wolfie picked up the rental car said goodbye to sarah and swapped email addresses and headed north through california. We stopped of in La jolla to see the harbour seals and pelicans! It was fun driving the car and the Sat nav made it a little easier (could be considered cheating i know!) Late evening we arrived in Anahiem checked into our motel and went to sleep to get ready for our 3 days at disneyland!!!!!
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