20/11/2009 - We arrived in Byron Bay in the late afternoon and we booked into a hostel called Holiday Village Backpackers and we stayed in a 4 bed dorm with Alex and Kim. Our room was really nice it was like a little apartment with a kitchen and lounge area and our own toilet and shower. For dinner we went over to a place called cheeky monkeys with everyone from the bus. They did $5 meals and really cheap drinks so we stayed in there most of the night and Alex won a didgerydoo competition.
21/11/2009 - Day 2
We all felt quite hungover but we got up and headed to the beach with Matt and Sarah, another couple from the bus. All the boys got themselves surf boards as they wanted to try out their new skills. But it was really winding so they couldnt surf, but they tried anyway. We chilled out on the beach for the whole day then brought tickets to see New Moon in the cinema which everyone decided to go to. After the film we got pizza then went to party in Pablo's apartment, another guy from the bus, at number 11. It was a really good night.
22/11/2009 - Day 3
We have now all been given new names because no one could remember everyones real names. Tom was called Rodney or Rodderz and i was called Cassandra! We went down the beach again but this time instead of taking surf boards the boys took bodyboards which were much better and they had loads of fun. In the evening we started at number 11, Pablo's apartment, then went to a club called La La Land but it was full of schoolies so we left and went to cheeky monkeys then back to Pablo's to continue the party.
23/11/2009 - Day 4
When we woke up Louisa wasnt feeling very well, as our photos got wiped in Sydney we went to the camera shop to try and get them recovered, which worked. I went down the beach to meet up with the others whilst louisa went back to the room for a sleep. I didnt stay at the beach for long as the weather was a bit crap. Once i got back we all just chilled out around the hostel and in the evening we stayed in and had a dvd night.
24/11/2009 - Day 5
We went down the beach again and it was the last day for a few people in our group. We stayed on the beach for a few hours then did a bit shopping on the way back to the hostel. We all got ready and played a few drinking games in number 11 with everyone. Then we went to a new club called CoCoMangoes which was really good. They played really good music and it wasnt too packed.
25/11/2009 - Day 6
We woke up really early to wave everyone off even with our hangovers. It was just us and Alex and Kim left. Me and Alex shot some hoops on the basketball court which we have been doing alot lately then we headed down to the beach. We decided to have a chilled evening tonight and just watch a few dvds and go to bed early.
26/11/2009 - Day 7 Me, Louisa, Alex, Kim and a guy from the hostel called Rich all booked to go on a Nimbin Tour for the day. Nimbin is like the Amsterdam of Australia. It was a long drive to Nimbin and on the way we stopped at a little town with only a pub and a local shop there and that was literally it! Although it was still morning we went into the pub and bought some beer for the trip. When we got to Nimbin everything was really quiet because the police were about so it was just like a normal town, just all the buildings painted retro colours. We went into the museum which was pretty rubbish it was full of just random scrap that was painted different colours. We had some lunch then invested in some special cookies!! They werent very good though! We got back on the bus and headed for a hippy mans house, one of the bus drivers friends. The man was totally crazy and just had random junk lying around everywhere. He took us on a tour around his gardens which was totally pointless and he was just rabbiting on about random things that made no sense at all. Next stop was a waterfall, but when we got there there was no water at all and it was just a massive drop. Overall the tour was pretty rubbish! 27/11/2009 - Day 8 We just totally chilled out this day and stayed on the beach all day. On the way back we went for a swim in the open air swimming pool and had a look in the shops. That evening we went over to cheeky monkeys for a few drinks then went to bed. 28/11/2009 - Day 9 The weather was really bad when we woke up so we just sorted stuff out around the hostel. It started to brighten up a bit so me and louisa went for a stroll around town. It started to get overcast again so we headed back for shelter. We saw at the cinema that the Michael Jackson film This is It was on at 10 so we decided to go and watch that later. But when we got there at 10pm we saw that it was actually on at 10am!! So instead we went and watched Ricky Jervais's new film as that was the only other film that was on. It wasnt very good! 29/11/2009 - Day 10 It was our last day in Byron Bay so not break tradition we headed down to the beach for a few hours. Then we came bac to the hostel to pack all our stuff which took quite a long time as it was spread all over the dorm and mixed up with Alex and Kims stuff because we had been here for quite a long time. We then went and got a pizza and watched a few films before we went to bed ready for the bed in the morning.- comments