Alex lost in India-plus skips, blind leading blind
Hey Everyone-hope you're well.
India just keeps surprising me, in one city there's such an enormous amount of diversity. Well since last visit I've had a very varied few days. Sunday I went over to see Abi's cousin Kayden who lives about 5km from SMH. He looks better with less facial swelling but is still hobbling and has a lot of pain from some pins in his wrists. However he was as welcoming as always and I enjoyed a nice afternoon with him and his father. Chatting about where I should go travelling and differences in Indian culture. A local priest came to visit and performed communion, wasn't paying attension and got holy water in the eye, all part of the experience! Had an interesting chat about the differences between men and women and turned out he'd read the book 'why women can't throw'- ben and will!!! couldn't believe it, he was good for banter! Had some lovely food with them and in the evening went to a local bar with Kayden's brother Durvin. This pub was something I certainly didn't expect to see in Bangalore. We went up some steps to a door which opened with a huge wave of belting 90s rock. The bar was very dimmly lite with groups of people sat around little tables all banging their heads to Led Zepplin. There were stained glasses windows of various idols all round the walls including a beautiful one of freddy mercury (promise will get a picture.) Well a waiter ran off to find us some seats and I took in my surroundings. Then ordered a 3 pt (I think) pitcher (about $1.50) of sweet sweet beer, remember t-total for last 2 weeks!! It was a very funny evening of arguing over what consituted decent rock with a little more beer. Agreed on pearl jam, deffinately not on megadeath!! Anyway discovered that alcohol tolerence significantly lowered and as durvin dropped me off realised I was a little tipsy! Tip toed up the lodgings corridor praying (fitting) not to bump into sister Julie. It was quite an experience for first night in Indian pub! Monday morning was fine, thank god but still had dodge stomach and a little fever (not beer related as had for last week) so one of the paediatricians appointed herself my physician and supplied me with a batch of floxacin paediatric syrup (free drug sample.) Forgotten how truely rough kids medicine tastes, but started to feel better yesterday so must be doing something right! Had some good placements this week. Another clinic at a different slum and I have one this afternoon. The one on Monday was a little more built up than last week. There was a lot of self-help groups and community work being done. People were just as nice and made some new friends, sheeka and nushshi (no idea how to spell) who then proceeded to try and climb through window of bus!! Tuesday was independence day, and therefore a national holiday. I ventured out rather tentively not knowing if I was going to get baited all day. But except for some drunks in the park and some banter from boys it was fine. Had a wonder round the city- went to a massive clothes sale. Discovered I hate clothes shopping as much here as I do at home. But at least it's ridiculously cheap!! Also went to the flower show it was beautiful but unfortunately the whole of Bangalore had also decided to go. It was mayhem!! Can't quite get used to the volume of people here! Plus had the photo thing going on again lots of people pleading I pose with their kids and family- very strange!! Anywho have to go grab lunch before clinic this afternoon. Going out tonight with Karen, Kayden's girlfriend. Should be a lauch but will be a little less exuberant with the beer pitchers. Will update at weekend with pictures hopefully. Take care everyone.
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