Shanghai was brillaint, it was just covered in eastern european buildings and the air was clean unlike Xi'an!
after getting off the train ride wemade our way to the hotel. it was set about 1km outside the centre of shanghia which was abit inconvienent but whos to moan!
we droped our bags off and made our way to the cntre of Shanghai (just aim for tall buildings). we wanted to go up the towers; they have two so far the oriental tv tower and Shanghai Pearl tower, they are soon to be joined by the tallest building in the world which looks like a bottle opener!
we were told to go to one in the day and one at night as the views were pretty much similar. so we decided to go the the oriental tv tower on the first evening. we only went to the second dome but the third was only 20meters above that and it cost nearly twice as much. the views were spectacular. they just went on for miles. with the yangtze river winding trough the citys sckscrapers! very impressive.
the second day in shanghai we did the opposite and went up the shanghai pearl tower, this was built bang next to the yangtze and could see even further (look at my piks when i put them on). the same again you could see for miles and it really put things into persective when you see a car drive past below! coincidentally the worlds tallest building (which is still being created) is being built bang next to it! and that was chuffing huge! its scary to think that if one of them fell what it would do to the other one, it'll be like dominos!
later that evening we went to the Shanghai acrobats which were absalutly amazing and there are kids of about 10 and 11 jumping and scaling massive objects! people were jumping through hoops unaided at about 8ft tall! it was fonomanal!
to be honest we didn't spend enough time in Shanghai and i think that we should have took a day off Xi'an. any way we've got a 24 hour train ride to Yangzhou.
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