Vivs Travels
Hello everyone!
Having a really interesting trip through Thailand so far. Have been to Kanchanaburi and visited the Bridge over the river Kwai, posed for photos with real live tigers, played with tiger cubs, visited night markets, seen loads of temple ruins in Ayuthaya (see the picture), hand fed wild monkeys, wlaked in National parks, hunted for bargains and tried the local food and taken a fantastic train journey north to Chiang Mai where I am now.
So it's Christmas eve, not very Christmas feeling over here although a lot of guesthouses have put up tinsel and happy New Year messages. To celebrate, I am off to do a Thai cookery course tomorrow(Christmas day) then off on a 3 day walk, elephant ride, river raft and stay in hill tribe villages in the jungle.
So far the Thai food hasn't had any major ill effects but I confess to getting a pizza the other day - it was wonderful!
have a great Christmas and New Year
Viv x
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