Today was our last day meeting with community members and seeing the work in the field. I met with some parents of CWD today and heard their stories about how WV has supported them.
We spent the afternoon with the ADP staff hearing about how they plan to incorporate PWD into their programming for next year and beyond, which is fantastic as this is what mainstreaming is all about. Ensuring that every facet of a project considers the needs of disabled people. In addition, PWD are being involved in the design of projects and are being included in meetings with WV staff to fully understand what their needs are.
In this blog, you'll see a group shot of our evaluation team - it has been so good working with all of them. In particular Toan (who is kneeling down next to me on my left), who is such a good translator, but from who I also learnt a great deal about Vietnamese culture.
Tomorrow we stay in the hotel and work with all the evaluation team on analysing the findings from all the interviews. Over the past 10 days, I conducted 14 interviews, helped facilitate 2 workshops and visited 5 CWD at home and 1 PWD who owns a tailor shop. As a whole team, we've conducted about 70 interviews and visited countless homes. So now what we need to do is go through all the information we've gathered and develop some initial findings and recommendations. On Friday morning, we will present these initial findings and recommendations to the ADP Managers and some of their staff.
Thurza will then prepare a full report when she gets back to Australia.
Just a couple more days to go before I head home to start sharing more of the stories with my family, friends and WV colleagues. Thanks to everyone for your comments, they have been wonderful to read. Your encouragement has been awesome, thanks again!
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