Not long 2 go n we'll be seeing u hon...i can't believe it's been so long since I saw u!!!
Enjoy Vegas, NY etc n cya when u get home :o)
C x
If only I had time to view all the photographs properly. What wonderful memories you will bring back with you. I'm so pleased that your travels have lived up to your expectations and thank you for keeping me up-to-date. Looking forward to seeing you in the not too distant future. Love Kate
Hallo my darling. You're obviously having a fantastic time. Enjoy the last few days in NZ. I can't wait to see you in NY.
Everyone sends their love - dogs are waiting to welcome you home too!
Anne Martin
The girls loved your post card. Thanks for always keeping them up to date with activities. XXX
Anne Martin
Hope you had a really great easter. What are the easter eggs like??
not sure where your going to be next, but have a great time. Anne and the girlsXXXX
Hi Vikki - hope you had a great Easter - wherever you were this weekend - more lovely pics to ... cornflakes, milk, etc!!!
Hey sweetie,
Just a quickie 2 say howdy! So many pics n never quite enough time 2 look at them all,lol! Looks like u gals r still havin' it large!! Yippee :o)
Lots of love, take care,
C x
Hiya darling
Missing you loads. Can't wait to meet up with you in NY.
Enjoy your last few days in Oz, and I bet NZ will be just as fantastic!
Take care (no diving with sharks!!)
Love from all the boys and dogs
Annne Martin
looking at the photo's on your blog, why would ever want to come back, but we all miss you. so i might be a good idea to come. see you soon anne and the Girls.xx
Hello Viks Your photos look great. Steve and I have just come back from a cruise down the Panama Canal. That's where you will have to go next- fabulous! Look after yourself Love Kim
have just seen you've got some more photos to look at - - can't wait to see them - you're certainly having a great time - will you want to come back i wonder!x
Yo vix, some really awesome pictures think you should write a book when you get back and maybe do talks about your adventures he he love and stuff stay safe and big hugs for anna
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