hey babe... just checking in - glad you're well and hope you enjoyed your Christmas. Thanks for calling on my Bday, was awesome to hear your voice! Apologies for being slack with the mobile, feels like I've been drunk for a month. Can't wait to see you xx
Hiya Glamour puss
Just had a look through your recent photos and OMG- friggin amazing! You are in paradise you lucky lucky girl. All good here still. Absolutely freezing though doesn't matter how much you wrap up it's still cold!
Miss you loads xxx
Hi Vikki
thanks so much for my birthday text and email.
you look like your having such a great time and experiancing as much as you can you have just got to soak up so much to have the fantastic memories
i just spent about an hour looking through your photos and reading your recent travels.
bet you cant wait for your dad to come out to see you.
hope to speak to you again soon now i have forund your blog which is wicked
take good care mate and catch up soon
Wayne xx
Phew! I've caught up now with all the photos (our internet went down at home, so I hadn't seen the latest lot). It looks beautiful darling and so do you!
I've now packaged up everying to send out with Pete - he won't have much space left for his own stuff!
I'll send out a little Xmas pressie for you and Tara with him too - seems funny to think that you won't be with us for Christmas. First time ever! Still, I'll be thinking of you.
Lots of love
John Smith
Looking at your photos and reading blog. Looks lovely. Take care of yourself. Miss you - house is very quiet without you. Been Christmas shopping - it seems odd not buying you a present this year, but we're putting money in your bank account.
Lots of love and hugs
Big Sis - Anna
Hey Sis,
So lovely to speak to you this morning....your card was beautiful and made me cry....just after i had done my make up to.. Naughty you!!
Miss you too like mad and love you loads.
Keep enjoying every minute of your trip.
Hi Vicki - great to see your latest blogs & photos - hope you're having a great time in Bali now... better weather than here - like a monsoon today!
Great to see your mum & John yesterrday & hear more about your trip ( won't mention the Bryan Adams tickets...) you'll be pleased to know i didn't leave anything in the oven /fridge/ microwave - got it all on the table!Can't wait for the next installment ...love xxx
Hey nice to hear from you this morning. Missing you lots. Carry on having loads of fun.
Tracy & Samiyah
Hey you!
Looks like you are having a fab time! Sorry you didnt get to meet Samiyah before you went - I'll send lots of pics!!
Take Care
Hi Vikki
Your Mum sent me your blog today and must admit I am really impressed with your adventures and photos. I wish I had done something when I was young. I can't get Rob any further than Menorca nowadays.
Good luck with the rest of your time and carry on having fun.
Love Sue x
Hello vicki
Looks and sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Don't think that the FSA will suit you after travelling.
Still waiting to hear from Laura as she started a diving course in Cairns and I know that she is frightened!
Weather turning cold in England so make the most of the lovely weather.
Love KimXXX
Hi Vikki
just started checking out your blog-looks like you are having an amazing time.Your modes of transport are a bit more civilised than Andys.He's been having 22ht bus journeys on buses without toilets and travelling on the roof of a train which got de-railed,and camping on the way to Macchu Picchu in a campsite without toilets as well!!!All well in Crawley-Andy and Lou due back Thurs after 4 months.Jode and Frankie (and Graeme Ok ) Look after yorself and have a WICKED time. Lol XX