Hallo Darling - I'm just talking about you to your Godmother! She asked to be remembered to you and sends her love.
Mum XX
Sounds like you're having the time of your life! Just take care, you hear!
We miss you lots.
Hi Vikki,
thanks for your email - good job you could get your visa's sorted out so easily - slap wrist & all that!
Andy's fine after his op - thanks - just a typical male expecting me to be florence nightingale -been there - done that!
Love reading the blog - and the photos make it all seem so real... keep enjoying yourself! x
bella girl,
totally enjoying blog, please keep writing which keeps me laughing.
read the latest post without being reminded!! good friend, good friend yeah???? ;)
keep taking care, glove you xx
Hey Champagne Backpacker...
Your blog and photos look amazing...i did laugh at a few...the one of the little boy carrying something scratching his Balls....did you take the photo just for that! lol. Sound slike your having a whale of a time.
Can't believe you're such a WILD girl!!!
Wickford will seem a bit tame after riding Elephants - lovely photo's of you & the views are amazing! good on you girl ... x
Claire Etheridge
Hello my darling,
Cant believe you have been gone almost a month, it feels like you have been gone forever. Missing you loads, it wired not speaking to.
Have finally made it on here to have a read of your blog and look at your pics. All I can say is OH MY GOD!! you look like and sound like your having the time off your life. Although I was it bit worried when I saw the spiders in some of those pics, and bugs in the room, (I to would be sleeping fully clothed) lol
Im so proud of you for doing this, I just wish I could be there to experiance it with you.
Please keep safe and look after yourself and Tara. Im looking forward to reading more on your adventure.
Im off work ill at the mo and reading what you guys are up to has put a smile on my face. England is nasty right now, I have forgotten what nice weather is like, you are def in the right place. Where are you gonna be for Taras birthday? you doing anything?
Have you had any samsong yet? if not then have one for me lol
I will give you a call over the weekend.
Love you loads
bella girl.. glad you are having a good time!
Remember that it's going to be the things you do that you never thought you'd ever be able to that are gonna make this trip the best thing you've ever done and give you memories that you will keep close to your heart for the rest of your life.. keep taking on those bugs and going on those mountain hikes and weaving your way through countries where you don't speak the language. You will only be better for the experience!
Pretty soon you will have caught a different kind of bug - the travel bug!
Yay for making friends to take with you on your escapades! Bring those irish leprechauns down under with you so they can show us a good time too!
Peace, love and marshmallows - cath xx
Vic Holloway
Oh my god the pics and the blog are great I will keep updated on your travels everyday. I am considering selling my car and house and going travelling dont know what the husband would think about that though... Is anna joining you at some point I see she's planning on visiting Lou Hope in NZ !!! Keep safe babe and have fun xxxVICxxx very jealous sitting in grey London !! xx
Hey sticks,
How's things...Are you still in laos? Hope you've had loads of fun. Went to see Nanny Pegg yesterday for you...she's so funny...i loved hearing all the gossip about who does what and who escapes from there flats and go's knocking on peoples doors - never a dull moment in that place is there??? your dad and Brother took nanny out during the week for dinner which she really enjoyed and i said i'll try and get there this weekend to see her!!
Love you loads...give me a text or call when you can...missing you so much.
Hiya darling. Sounds very exciting, and I'm not even going to think about health & safety! One bonus for me is that next time there's a spider in your bedroom you can get rid of it yourself!!!
It was lovely to hear your voice today - even though there was terrible feedback on the line and I couldn't hear everything you said. Text me when you get to Vietnam on Wednesday, and I'll give you a call.
Everyone sends their love. XXXX
Hi Vicki - loved the latest instalment of your Blog - although not the bit about the " hairy" spider - it's a bit like reading Raiders of the Lost arc...