hey Vic pics look amazing!! Can see your having a fabulous time !! I see your off to Byron Bay my mate Vic Eustace who we went to college with in in Oz for a year and she's heading there today maybe mail her or something as shes travelling on her own (brave Vic) shes on my fb page x anyway hun hope you 2 are having the time of your lives and can you give lou danby a big kiss for me please when you get to NZ xxxxx
Hi Vikki - thanks for putting the new photo albums & update on - took a while to look at them all - think Tasmania looks like heaven - very jealous - not sure where you are by now - enjoy! x
Hey Vikki!!!!
Looks like u gals r havin an awesome time!!
Can't believe u've been gone 4 as long as u have...time has flown by, but at the same time it really hasn't, n it's goin so slow...gr8 v u gals as it means u don't feel like days come n go in the blink of an eye!
Enjoy every moment, look after each other ok!
Take care n spk soon, lots of love from me!
C xx
Jo Jo
WOW what amazing pictures, love the fancy dress night out Im loving the outfits! Brillaint pics at ramsey street and I love all the posing pictures. You still look amazing. It put a smile on my face. Love you swet heart x
Alrite smiler, thought id rite as i havent yet. been busy innit.
glad ur ok, send my love to cath and anna. booking LA this weekend, so got something to look forward to. Oz looks immense, jim jenkins says hi, got some little sheila over, ive been relegated to the kitchen with mum, how fun! jokes
be good. and go throw another shrimp on the barbi.
love ya sis x
Hi Vikki - thanks for the postcard... strange as was thinking of you + hoping all ok - scary what's happening out in Oz at the moment with all those awful fires etc - hope your journey to Melbourne went well - look forward to next lot of pictures! x
Too many amazing pictures to comment on. Stunning, stunning, stunning. Can't wait to dissect them all with you when you are back
Was lovely speaking to you the other day hun. keep having fun
Lots of Love xxx
Hi Babe, i hope you're having an amazing time in Perth, i'm soooo sad to be home, getting back to normal now tho, had a job interview already so fingers crossed. So busy at the min, will mail you soon. Lots of love. xxx
Holy crapola you are 30 minutes away from P Town!! can't wait to call you for the cost of a normal mobile call, lol you're gonna get sick of me before you even get here. Sad that Tars has gone too - was looking forward to seeing her again. Just checked her flights here and you both will be landing at nearly the exact same time!!!
You and Anna are gonna rip it up here though babe, it's gonna be awesome!
Hi my beautiful daughter. I miss you more every day, but I'm so glad you're having a fantastic time out there.
Can't believe Tara's left now, and that tomorrow you'll be in Oz! How quickly the time is going! I've tried to call you several times today, but can't get through for some reason. So I want to wish you and Anna a safe journey, and please ring/text me when you get to Oz.
Lots and lots of love, Mum
Hi vikki & co - a belated happy new year to you all - loved all the photos of your xmas etc - hope all well with you wherever you are now x
Judy Wakeford
Just seen your photos, looks fantastic. I hear you have your little brother with you now. Look after that little boy. Take care have a good time.