Arrived at Byron and spent 2 1/2 says there chilling out on the beach, exercising at the swimming pool, eating $2 meals and $3 drinks at cheeky monkeys and getting absolutely twatted!! $3 fizzy wine is soooooo not a good idea when you have a day tour booked for the following day to Nimbin of all places. Nimbin which is a very strange place indeed. It first 'got on the map' so to speak in 1973, when a festival was held and a large gathering of university students, practitioners of alternative lifestyles, 'hippies' and party people. After the festival many of the festival goers remained in the town where there is very heavy prominent use of the recreational substance cannabis. We got picked up at 10am only after having a couple of hours sleep if that..... a subway breakfast didn't sort me out and nor did the sprite and s&v crisps! not did the arvo BBQ or the kit kat! Everyone was drinking on the coach journey out to Nimbin which was about 70km and when we got there they were eating 'cookies' but i just felt sick and tired and really just wanted to get back on the bus - which was actually the most uncomfortable coach in the world, the seats were tiny and had no back and i really really just wanted to be in bed...... We arrived back at our hostel 'main beach backpackers' which was a brilliant hostel at 6 and Melinda ( my friend from the gold coast who we were staying with for a 4 nights) was picking us up at 6.30 so we got our bags together and sat and waited the 30mins till 6.30pm then to 6.45 then 7pm I rang Mim a few times to see where she was and if she was ok but she wasn't picking up....... i was starting to worry. I called a few more times still no answer, so at 7.30 i went to go outside and there she was. I had a massive cuddle then she screamed and said i bet you think i'm late don't you, to which i replied yes your an hour late, she said she just turned the local radio station on and found out it was 7.15 and realised she hadn't accounted for the 1 hour time difference between New South Wales and Queensland! lol! Funny. Mim drove us up to the light house for a quick look around as we didn't make it up there in the morning due to being to hung over from the cheeky money night before! For years i have had a postcard of Byron's light house on my desk at work to tempt me to go and i cant believe i almost didn't make it up there. Mim was having none of it and even though it was dark insisted on taking us up there for 10 mins to see it. I'm glad she did bless her, it was stunning but i couldn't get any decent snaps in the dark. Shame
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