Ok so again i send my apologies for not writing for so long - 4 months!!!!, but Oz has been non stop since we got here........ i haven't had a moment with a pc to be able to update you all, but i have tried to add more detail to the pictures iv added to explain a few things........ so just like in Vietnam I'll give you a quick update on each place and a brief description of what i've done and seen.
So we arrived in Australia,- that's right Australia, i still cant believe im here and iv been here for over a month now. I'm in F'ing A-U-S-T-R-A-L-I-A. SORRY ABOUT THE F WORK BUT ITS STILL SO SURREAL-. Yes back to business, sorry. So we arrived here in Western Australia on the 19th Jan in Perth. As you know its just me and Anna now ( tar's sadly went home after singapore) and when Anna and Vikki are together, things happen, don't they kids! well they didn't hold back to let us settle down in Perth, no way, as soon as we get off the plane we had a bit of trouble at passport control! We didn’t have an address of where we were staying ( WE KNEW IT WAS AT ADAM'S BUT WE DIDN'T KNOW EXACTLY WHERE THAT WAS!! anyway the men were really grumpy and didn't want to do us any favours, even after we fluttered our eye lashes ( tar's - it was prob because i wasn't wearing the mascara!) but they did let us pass in the end he passport control man let us through, we collected our luggage no worries, although Anna did have a banana that wasn't allowed through customs so she had to gobble it quick!
Here are my highlights while staying with Adam, Anna's friend in Scarbourgh, Perth :
Fremantle for Western Australia's famous fish and chips
Scarborough beach for a swim and to chill out although we only paddled after hearing a story of a guy who was eaten by a great white the week before. Mummy was scared and asked us not to swim in the sea and to be very careful ( this is me pleasing my mother and being sensible.... don't worry it didn't last!)
Dunsborough, Margret River which is south of Scarbs, we hired a huge country house and Adam hired the speed boat from work. Spent the weekend out at sea doing water sports etc. We saw a huntsman spider here, the only one to date...THANK GOD! Then one of the funniest moments of my trip so far happened. We had a BBQ that night at the house and Anna went inside to get something and looked up to see a spider the size of a mans hand...she screamed...we all ran in to see the hugest spider i have ever seen. Adam and Cam ( who are aussie's hadn't even seen one that big ever) All us girls were typical girls, running around screaming shouting at the boys not to miss it has they were throwing tennis balls at it to try and knock this thing down from the high beams.....after a good 10 minutes of commotion Cam said he thought the thing was stuck up there. Anna was adamant it was real - she saw it move! But of course it's leg moved because the body was stuck to the beam. We were wetting ourselves after that. But the next morning the first thing everyone did was check to see if the spider was still there! and of course it was. We drove back on Aussie day and had a party at Jo's ( Adam's girlfriends) we walked upi the street to watch the fireworks over the city - was a good display.
Caversham Wildlife Park - first sightings of Kangaroos and Koalas- we got to feed them up close
Had hair highlighted by JoJo's hairdresser. So all good, i didn't have to panic and worry that my hair would go green or fall out!
Joined Fitness First here also. 1) because it was cheap and we got a good deal. 2) because i'm getting really really fat and unfit - no gym in 8 months for me....... not pretty i can tell you. and 3) Because Anna is a fitness freak
I thought i'd lost my camera here but i simply left it in the internet cafe
We also tried to plan a surprise Thank you/ Birthday party for Ad's but we couldn't do it as he was determined to throw us a party - but we did manage to get a cake made for him as a surprise.
Our last night in Perth was also very memorable! Adam held a farewell party for us, themes, beer, BBQ abd Backpackers! Had a drunken, fab night. After drinking for 8 hours the boys thought it would be good if Anna and I went for a dip in the Indian Ocean for the last time! So down we went to the beach after a game of beer pong ( Do you know what Beer pong is? all you boys will, Alessio and Big Bro- if you don't i wont be impressed - kings of drinking games that you are) well lets just say i drank a lot of BEER! Vikki and beer, we learnt in Asia don't mix!!!!! so after the midnight swim we headed back to the house and i needed a lay down so i crept upstairs and passed out in the dressing room. Anna came to look for me a few moments later and i came round to her calling the others upstairs to look at me, i freaked out for a second and tried to get up but i couldn't for the life of me get up! i saw seeing triple of everything and i could hear the guys coming up the stairs, so i did what anyone would do......... pretended i was doing sit ups and did a set of ...i was going to type 20 there but it was more like 5, no actually who am i kidding it was 2 1/2 !!!!!! All these heads peeked round the corner and they all cracked up. Anna was crying she was laughing so much! Great end to a fab night. Adam was a great host, even though he did have 5 backpackers staying with him, we all had a ball. Jo did loads for us to, showing us around and taking us places.
Perth rocks, had the best time, everyone put themselves out to make our stay special - big thanks to Ad, Jojo,Diddy, Cam and Nadene for everything they did and to the frenches and willy for a fun 2 weeks
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