We left Cusco about 8am and set off on the road again in a new truck called Cindy. We were heading for Raqchi where we were doing a homestay visit. When we arrived there were about 10 or so ladies waiting for us. They welcomed us in Spanish and then the fun began. It was like we were cows in a cattle market. Me, Sarah, Dee and Nikkie were pushed forward and then the women were debating which of them wanted us! The older lady that seemed to be in charge won (if won is the right word). So we followed the old lady down a long path and up a stoney hill, it was like being back on the Inca trek again!
When we got to her house it was simple but nice. It was made out of mud bricks and had a mud stove. Her daughter was also there who also had a daughter that was about 2 years old. We played with the little girl while the ladies made our lunch. When lunch arrived to my horror the first thing she gave us was salad and this salad had weird bean things in it. I pushed it around my bowl for a few minutes hoping it would magically shrink, but it didnt. I hopefully made up for it by eating all my soup. After that we had meat and potatoes which I also ate.
After lunch we went back to the square to meet the others ready for our tour. We were shown around the Inca ruins which included the tallest Inca building and round store houses where they kept all their food. When we had finished looking at the ruins we went to one of the ladies houses for a pottery demonstration. The lady showed us how they use clay to make their pots. Afterwards some of us could have a go so Kelle and Neil had a go. They were quite good at it. We then had a few hours free time before heading back to our houses for tea. Tea was once again a 3 course affair, these Puruvians eat a lot!
After dinner they brought out some Peruvian clothes for usa to wear, They put them on top of the clothes we were already wearing so having got about 3 jumpers on already I had another top, waistcoat and cape on. As well as a puffy black skirt and a sling type bag on my back. Then a big round hat to top it off! I was looking good!! We walked half an hour to the other side of the village where we were to see a traditional ceronmony and dancing. The ceronmony consisted of everyone making wishes on coca leaves before burning them and buring them in pacchamama (mother earth). Then came thew dancing. You had to hold hands with a partner and sway from side to side in time to the man plkaying the guitar. We did this to several tunes as well as just dancing around the fire in circles.
Then it was time to go home with our ladies and go to bed. I had a very good nights sleep. In the morning we had breakfast and said thank you before going back to the truck. The ladies gave us a present each of a piece of pottery. I got an ash tray with a llama on it. Im sure I will find another use for it though.
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