A train journey from Manchester to York ,only 24 hours in York. A visit to the York dungeon, entertaining, a bit spooky and informative. I did get an injury,a couple of girls in front of me jumped back with fright onto my foot.everyone kind of stood as close to others as the could so there wasn't,t anywhere to get out of the way.we knew something was going to happen but didn't, know when or what.people where getting picked out out the group to be part of the story.
walking again around the city,I wondered along the canal,to the castle,Clifford tower and the shambles an area of narrow interlinked cobbled streets
Next day a very expensive train trip to London.
First stop Oxford circus station.
- comments
Raewyn As long as you are not off to join the circus!
Jane & Luca Great to hear what you're up to! I love the dungeon tours... heaps of fun. Message from Luca - llllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrttvbvjfcbv))$))(((@rr rn ,,, ,,,