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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Paris, France

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Naples, Italy
margaret DEar Vicky. It is always hard to come to the end of Travels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Great that you had the experience walking up Vesuvius,loved the pic. Travel home safely. It will be great to see you after you are unpacked and caught up with Mum. You would have found Popeii very interesting..................visited that site back in the mists of time ...48years ago. I expect it would be vastly different now.Lots of love Marg &Georgexx

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Rome, Italy

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Edinburgh, UK
margaret Vicky. Safe travelling...................................Love Marg&George.
re: home would boundVicki led Boo. Safe travels home vic. Lap up the KL sun and heat and enjoy the rest, even if short. Catch you when you're back. :-)
re: home would boundmargaret DEar Vicky. It is always hard to come to the end of Travels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Great that you had the experience walking up Vesuvius,loved the pic. Travel home safely. It will be great to see you after you are unpacked and caught up with Mum. You would have found Popeii very interesting..................visited that site back in the mists of time ...48years ago. I expect it would be vastly different now.Lots of love Marg &Georgexx
re: Italymargaret It must have been fun on a Segway tour. What a way to get around. Enjoy the rest of Italy. Pity about the Vat,museum closing too soon.But I am sure you are packing everything possible into your travels.Love M&Gxx
re: romeVicki Lee That's great vic, you are doing your dream trip of Ireland! Happy for you, good to hear you're having fun a good interesting times. X
re: bunratty castleMargaret Vicky you Obviously Loved Ireland.I think you may go again one day!!!!The Cliffs of Mohar are amazing. Looking forward to reading more about Scotland. Loved Scotland.... a bit green Would love to do it all again! Love M&Gxx
re: EdinburghDuncan Yum!!! Sounds awesome! Want to go and get some black gold now but it won't be the same!!!!!
re: Dublin day 2Heather Wow Vic, the days are whizzing by so fast. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time and have developed quite a liking of the Guiness :) I have always wanted to visit Ireland and it sounds like Wolfhound is a good option.
re: wolfhound 6 day north tour day 6margaret Good Morning from the wrinklies of Tauranga. Have loved reading your walking around Dublin....A lovely city, you are certainly "packing" a lot in. Look forward to reading the Northern journey.Hope the day is calm for the Giant steps,walk carefully. Lots of love M&Gxx Thankx for the CArds,greatx
re: Dublin day 2Vicki Lee Top of the morning to you. (That's all the Irish I know sorry). Sounds good missy. Having lots of sups and enjoying one of your 'wants' that being Ireland. So hope the rest of that lovely old place brings you more good times. Safe touring xo
re: Dublin day 2Jane Ohhhh, even more jealous than I have been thus far!! ;) So pleased you're having a ball & consuming the Guinness, it will help keep you healthy! Can't wait to read about your adventures in the North! Lots of love, Jane, Mark & the monkey xxx
re: late arrivalVicki lee Wow so much walking - you'll be mean and lean from it all! I'd love to visit the Greek isles and eat that yummy food. And sun and sea. Nice work Vic. X
re: a bit of a walkMargaret Enjoying your travel logs Vicky. Lucky you being warm.....George says....................bloody cold here!!!!
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Vicki led Boo. Safe travels home vic. Lap up the KL sun and heat and enjoy the rest, even if short. Catch you when you're back. :-)
margaret Vicky. Safe travelling...................................Love Marg&George.