just waiting to catch a flight to Dublin,0100hrs,crazy time,so to wrap up Crete,we went to three beaches in one day,only swan in the first one a bit of ,yes, beach was very windy and choppy so decided on lunch.I ordered something I could not pronounce .it was meatballs in tomato beach was again choppy and windy,we walked along the water for 1km,then headed back down and around the winding roads to our lovely day we went into the city ,looked around some old ruins,had a nice but pricey lunch for my birthday. went home and drink a vino on our patio over looking the valley.oh,yes,a spot of shopping as well.last day ,a long drive to the cave where Zeus was kept as a baby.when we arrived I walked up 20 mins,had to cue,walked down,down,down into the cave,then up,up,up again and 20 mins down the stoney track.A bit of a work out for the day.could gave taken a 4 legged taxi up and down the attorney track to the cave entrance .(see photo )off to the airport in 20 stop Dublin .
- comments
Margaret Enjoying your travel logs Vicky. Lucky you being warm.....George says....................bloody cold here!!!!