New York, New York!! Laura's American Adventure...
He he!! All your messageboard entries have made me chuckle! :) Just what I need right now!! The debate about Hersheys is very entertaining, I wasn't too keen at first but I still eat it, no contest with Cadburys though! The worst thing is the Hersheys chocolate sauce we have on ice-cream... it just doesn't taste like chocolate sauce!!
Anyway, thanks everyone else for your messages... lovely to hear from Katy and Tara! Glad to hear I might eventually recieve that package Ben... I'm waiting! And Jamie, I feel so much better now I know the circumference of your biceps!?! he he! Hayley and Holly I hope you are enjoying the fun and games of carnival week... really wish I was there! Seriously!?! Also I am glad I have you all guessing on Mums big news! lol... Hayley you will find out shortly as I have been a good girl and replied to my letter!
Sorry Mum if I scared you with the swimming story... maybe I should keep things like that quiet!! I'm ok anyway and have recovered from my heavy night out. I am currently on my hour off and have to go back again soon but will have my day off again on Friday as usual so maybe chat to some of you then.
Everything is ok here though we did have the BIGGEST storm a couple of nights ago which was very scary! I've never heard thunder like it! But of course we had to keep it together while the kids are screaming and crying!! Really we just wanted to cry for our mummys too!! he he!
I am having the mid-season blues at the moment I think as everything is stressing me out but hopefully it won't last long! Even so, we only have a short time left now. A group of us have hired a car to drive to New York when we finish. We are leaving on August 21st! Can't wait!!!
The picture I have chosen for todays journal is where I am dreaming I will be very soon!!! I'm tired and need to sleep on a beach for a week or so!!
Ok, well time to get going.... sleeping in the 'lean-to's' tonight (did i write about them before?? wooden huts with 3 sides....) So looking forward to getting no sleep at all tonight!! Oh well, at least we get to toast marshmellows on the fire, thats always fun!
Until next time, miss and love you all heaps..... :(
Laura B xxx
P.S. I'm so with you girls for Wells Watch 2!! Bye! xxx
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