New York, New York!! Laura's American Adventure...
Hey Guys and Gals,
I have escaped once again!!! The kids are currently on their 'free choice' period which means we get an hour off! So we have found a nice American guy called Alex and persuaded him to drive us to the local college in Paul Smiths to use the computers and maybe stop at a shop on the way back. You can't imagine how excited we were to get out!!!! It's mad how much we miss the little things....
All is still going well. I have found I have a very short temper when it comes to 12 year old girls and I need to work on that! he he! They are all great girls in their own ways but put them all together and it's just scary!! I am enjoying myself though. I have managed to hand some dance lessons over to another girl so I get to do some other activities too. Today we went out canoeing and did some arts and crafts. I get to act like a kid too which is great! The dance classes I have done have been ok, some kids are really good and are really into dancing and others won't join in at all. But they were all impressed with the dance I choreographed for the staff talent show and want me to teach it to them so thats cool. The talent show went slightly wrong when we had a power cut in the middle of it and actually had to dance in the dark with the kids shining their torches on us!!! It was funny though.
I hope you all like the Moose picture... we have a head of one of these mounted on the wall in the living room of our cabin. We have called him Bruce!
I still have no tan as it has been raining here for the last three days but the sun is out again today and the shorts are on so fingers crossed!
The food is still what you would expect. Everything fried, lots of sugar, maple syrup, mayonaise, etc etc. I think we are having a BBQ tonight. I am eating extremely well though and really need to stop! I never liked peanut butter before but have now decided I quite like the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! They are great!
I have only recieved one letter so far from Mum so come on people!!! Get writing!! Cadburys chocolate also needed... Oh, we had s'mores! (They are toasted marshmellows with chocolate squished between wafers) Delicious but definately would be better with cadburys rather than hersheys!! And anything else english you can think of.... tea bags would be great too! If not just write me a letter, as I said before it will make me look popular! My address is on my first journal page if you don't already have it!
Ok, gotta go again, back to the screaming children.... think of me! Oh, and can someone please update me on big brother??? We know grace went but thats it! Another lovely American has also been taping the England world cup games for us to watch at night times.
I'm sure I have loads more to tell but can't think right now. I hope everyone is well at home. Thank you for all your messages! Miss you all heaps!
Til next time.......
Lots of love,
Laura xxxx
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