New York, New York!! Laura's American Adventure...
Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote but I've been so busy!! I'm not actually in Montreal today, I'm on my hour off at Paul Smiths College but I went there on Friday so I thought I would add it to the journal! We also went to Lake George the week before so I havn't managed to get on the computer for a while.
Lake George was really nice, we did lots of shopping and got some cheesy t-shirts printed, laid on the beach and got a free cruise around the lake on a big steam paddle boat when the captain heard our english accents! he he! I think we will be able to blag quite alot for free over here, they love us! :)
We eventually got to Montreal on Friday for a days shopping and it was great! I drove all the way there, what a brave girl! It was actually easier than I thought it would be and a big help because I will be able to do it on our travels now. Montreal is really nice and I wish we could have seen more of it. We mostly saw the insides of all the shops rather than all the sights. We also saw the inside of the cinema when we watched 'World Trade Center'. A very sad and depressing film as you would expect but I'm glad we saw it. I would recommend it.
I bought some clothes including a dress as we have Oscars night tomorrow for our end of season banquet... should be lots of fun!
I don't have much time now but it won't be long til I have lots of free time as the kids leave on Wednesday!! After that I will try to catch up with some more news.
Oh, I went on a hike last week and the other day I saw a real live bear!! See, I'm really getting into life in the mountains now!
It's absolutely freezing here at night now. Not so bad in the day but oh my god.... I can't wait to get somewhere slightly warmer!
Every thing has worked out ok with the girls and I have learnt to live with them. Can't say I'll be sad to see them leave on wednesday though.
During the extra 5 or so days we are here we have to do lots of cleaning, sanding floors, taking boats out of the water etc. which will be rather boring but at least there will be no kids around.
It is the performance of Grease tonight which I managed to get involved in a little and choreographed 2 numbers. Hopefully it will go ok. Unfortunately the drama teacher got sacked today!! Ooops!
I have now eaten a few Twinkies and they are definately good! I'm loving them... Not helping with the losing weight though! Hopefully once I stop eating all this camp food I can go back to normal or I'll never fit on the plane home!
Talking of planes, we were all very sad to hear about the new terrorist arrests last week. A little scary for those people flying home next week but at least they got them. Now I have to be careful what I buy coz I can't have hand luggage!!
Me and Charlie are now looking into these companies where you drive someones car from one place in America to another while they fly as a cheap way of getting around..... who knows what we'll come up with next!
Anyway, I'm sure I have loads more news to tell you all but I can't remember now so I'm gonna get going.
Will catch up with you all soon... text me so I feel popular when I turn my phone on next week!!! This time next week I'll be on my way to New York baby!! Yay!
Take care, miss you all, hugs and kisses....
Laura xxx
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