New York, New York!! Laura's American Adventure...
Hi Everyone!!!
Thank you for all your messages! I have finally made it to civilisation, just for a few hours though! We are in Lake Placid and evryone is wanting to use the computers in the library so unfortunately this will have to be quite short.
Flight was good and we arrived on camp extremely tired and sweaty after an 8 hour bus ride with no air-con. Yum!
My room can only be described as a shed! Seriously! After all that travelling it was quite hard, especially as we had to sweep up and remove all the cobwebs, etc before we could settle in! We have it sorted now and, it's still a shed, but it's a bit more homely!??
I am sharing with a girl called Charlotte. She was one of the girls I met in London so we already knew each other quite well. We are getting on ok!
The camp itself is really cute with little cabins that look like something out of a fairytale. Unfortunately the insides don't look so good, though one of our camper rooms has seven little beds so we have nicknamed it the seven dwarves room! Obviously I am snow white!?
We have been given the 12 year old girls to look after!??? Probably the worst possible age group but hopefully all will be ok.
We have been getting up at 6.45am every morning and getting to bed about midnight. I'm very tired!!
I am already bored of fried food and maple syrup!! But we are going to have a nice meal while we are out today. Maybe a well deserved beer too!! It's the only one i'm going to get for a while...
There is a good range of ages here so I'm not the oldest. It's all good!
I have absolutely no signal on my phone for at least 2 hours drive from the camp so don't text but any mail is very welcome! Thanks for the card Mum! Plus I'm looking forward to yours Benjamin! :)
I have almost run out of time so must dash. I hope everyone is ok back in sunny England anyway, keep the messages coming!
Oh, the mosquitos have taken a liking to my feet, I have been bitten lots, and I don't have a tan yet at all but I'm working on it!
Miss you all heaps....
Lots of love,
Laura xxxx
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