Once again it's been a while since our last Blog and so much has happened I can't think of a single story.....................
Vietnam has been great fun even with the constant near death experience of crossing a street! Have you seen the Video of Tom? We had the most amazing dive in Nha Trang where we were taken through some small caves full of colourful fish. There were so many that they couldn't actually move out of your way, and the ceiling was full of silvery bubles! Absolutely magical. Apart from that, Halong Bay was a definite highlight and canoeing around the bay was hilarious. We kept going right, apparently cos I (kim) was rowing wrong hehe!
The flight to Lao from Hanoi only took an hour but I don't think I've ever been so scared. We were flying in a tiny plane in this huge storm surrounded by lightening. I actually thought we had been hit at one point because the thunder was so loud. Landing was equally scary because Luang Prabang is surrounded by mountains so the descent (in total darkness) is very very steep and fast. I actually thought we were going to hit the ground any second. I wasn't the only one either. All ten other passangers clapped when we made it!
Since then we have spent time recovering from the fright of the flight and the hassle of saying "no thank you" all day long in Vietnam by sipping cold drinks, people watching and walking along the Mekong.. We also spent a day cycling through little villages around the capital Vientiene with a couple we met that are cylcing around Asia. They are definitly Crazy, we were so tired after cycling all morning in the sun but they were hardly sweating! Our poor legs and bums are only just recovered! For our defence we did probably do 30 km which is not too bad in the heat when you are shouting hello to all the passing kids in the villages!
We now have one week left in Lao that we are going to spend on buses (not good) and some islands in the south of Lao on the Mekong (Good). After that it's Cambodia in an orphanage and of course Angkor Wat!
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