Again it's taken us a long time to sit down and write our blog... so loads to catch up on, better get some supplies and get comfy :)
We did the usual touristy things in Sydney of walking round the harbour and taking cheesy pictures next to the opera house but ended up staying in an awesome campsite at the feet of the blue mountains 1h out of town. Mainly because we had a magnificent show of flying foxes every night at half eight and a little wood to ourselves with possible snakes, lizards, kangaroos and wombats. in the end, only saw shadows on the way to the toilet....which was pretty scary really!
After one day at busy and lovely Bondi Beach we headed up north to Byron Bay via Port Macquire and a Koala Hospital. Byron Bay was lovely, we really loved lazing around and spendinig some time on the beach. We also tried some Body Boarding, and I (kim) ended up getting the biggest wave hehe!
The price of the place however made us leave towards to Tambourine Mountains. Lush and green, it really couldn't be further from your idea of Australia, we really felt like we were back home, especially due to all the rain. It's not all bad though, they were some lovely walks, a delicious Fudge shop and loads of green tree frogs :) Plus the thought that it was snowing hard in the UK so we were still better off than all of you guys haha!
The Gold coast was visited very quickly in horror at all the high rise hotels and hoards of people. Humongus waves at surfers paradise too, No swimming of any kind in there! So we made a severe change of plans and drove North passing by Brisbane, australia Zoo, Hervey Bay, Fraser Island, Noosa Bay etc etc....It was very hard but we had very little time before the end of the turtle season at Mon Repos next to Bundaberg.
It was worth it and we will be going back to Brisbane etc today in order to do all those things slower. Last night we spent the evening watching little hatchling turtles coming out of the sand and running to the sea. Amazing to watch, pity they were no turtles laying eggs and especially annoying that we were surrounded by 70 odd people all wanting to see them as much as we did. Tom even got assaulted by an old Lady hitting him haha, and I was fighting hard with a group of school kids but in the end we got a good view and what the heck, we'v now seen hatching loggerheads and green turtles :) Tom, the lucky b*****, even found a lost hatchling and put him back in the right direction :) What more do you want......
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