tris'n'laws big adventure
we just got back from swimming with bottlenose dolphins!! how cool is that, very cool infact it was bloody freezing!! it was amazing to see about 8/9 dolphins playing alongside the boat they were so close to us, once they had checked there was no baby dolphins we were allowed in the water with them. we couldn;t breathe it was so cold!! laura turned blue too!! ( was still blue like half an hour after untill she had a cuppa) but it was amazing one of the dolphins swam right underneath her and then did a big jump so it liked her we think! two came right up amongst the group to. it was so cold though, and they kind of busy so we didn't have long with them but it was well worth it we are thinking about doing it again!! if we don't do it here though we will in australia. never are we going to see them stuck in tanks it seems crazy after seeing them today they cover such a huge distance. they are a lot bigger than i thought bigger than law! they enjoyed showing us the fish they had caught to which was funny. haven't got many good photos as my batteries died (BLOODY BATTERIES!) i even had three lots on me that we had charged up they were just being silly. anyhow off to have a hot shower and warm up!
speak soon loads of love tris and laura x
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