Today was a travel day! We got up late after our alarm didn't go off and got woken up by the cleaning woman... so we were late for check out but luckily didn't get charged! Think they were very keen on us at the hotel :)! We caught the bullet train again from Osaka to Tokyo! Got to Tokyo in the middle of the afternoon. On our way to our hostel we saw a sculpture that looked very interesting ... we tried to guess what it might be and came up with a few ideas, but in general we thought it looked like a golden poo on a black box. Apparently though when Mari came to visit us she said that it was meant to be a flame and the building next to it is also part of the scuplture which is meant to look like a beer! Very odd! And apparently it is a national joke and they call it the poo in Japan! So we were right! haha!
In this hostel we are staying in wooden cabins/capsules. You get one cabin to yourself. Me and Libby signed up to Skype today and got a bit obsessed with using it! And we found a 100yen store which makes food shopping a lot cheaper! LOVE IT!
Sarah x
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