Today was our last day in Kyoto and involved A LOT of walking! We walked to Kinkaku-Ji (The Golden Temple) and on our way we stopped at a shrine to have a look around. Me and Selina tried the shrine ritual here which involves bowing and clapping... you can see it on our videos section! After at least a half an hour walk we got to the Golden Tample... it was so pretty! There were stalls nearby and we tried some funny foods and tried a green tea which had gold bits in it... not sure what they were! We then went to Ryoan-Ji another world heritage temple but decided not to go in, and then onto ANOTHER temple called Ninna-Ji where we walked around the grounds. So by the end of the day we were all templed and walked out! We got back to the hostel to collect our bags.... and after a 15 minute walk that just about killed us thanks to the HUGE backpacks we settled down to try some sushi! I liked about half of what we got and wasn`t too keen on the other half! Think it was the same for the other two. Me and Libby tried a fish egg each.... pretty horrid to be honest! Then we caught the train to Osaka! A bit of drama on the journey though when we saw that our train was about to leave so we had to run to catch it and literally ran onto the train thinking that the doors would shut on us! Luckily they didn`t! Our hotel in Osaka is nice... very near the train station which is great! AND we have a room all to ourselves with a TV and video player. They have a great video library so we settled down to watch Billy Elliot!
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