hi hope you too are alright. love your favorite sister {littel} claudia
Yes we are both ok small pants. Hope you are being a good girl?????????
Janette Dennison
Hey you, nice to hear from you. Hope all is well? say hi to Simon and Georia from us. The trip is getting pretty full on now as we are hopping islands/countries more often which means lots and lots of flights and stuff. Back working in soon is probs sooner than it seems as we are about at six month mark now!!!! x x
Auntie Carole
It was great to hear your voice on Tuesday & thankyou for my card. G.ma, Mum, Alicia & I went to York to buy up Long Tall Sally (Philip had said he'd buy clothes for my birthday) & got some bargains. There's me trying to tuck shirts into trousers & Mum & Alicia telling me to get with it - you don't wear them like that any more!! G.ma treated us to a lovely lunch after & we all met at the restaurant for tea. Small Pants made the most amazing copy of a Picasso at school & had it framed for me. It really is a masterpiece. A really good birthday. I caught up with your news yesterday & the Queenstown blog. Dave, your descriptions are fantastic & I was catching a few flies as I read. I thought "she won't do it" then "she can't do it" and then "I don't believe it. SHE DID IT" I could have cried with pride. You are both amazing. Just, how on earth are you going to cope with this old mundane life when you return to it in 9 months? It's all going to be so boring for you after all the extreme adventures. I gather NZ is a bit boring now but it won't be long til you're soaking up the sun (we all hope!!) in Fiji. Enjoy. Love & hugs to you both XXXXXXX
Glad you had a good birthday, gonna have to make this short as should really be packing!!
Yeah I ws surprised myself that I managed to get off both the canyon swing and the bridge but hey i did!!!!! well we both did!!!!
Looking forward to Fiji now, seen enough of New Zealand want a change of scenery, as for when we get home well that is going to be interesting to say the least, who knows whats going to happen, hopefully we will've done everything we want so it wont be as bad!!
Anyway best get o and pack, love you lots from both of us and missing you xxxx
oh my god, i started reading the Queenstown blog and thought i had nearly finished but i wasnt even half way through so i gave up and just looked at the pictures!! all i can say is rather you than me!! anyways hope your having lots of fun!! love you x x
It isnt that long, you really should read it all!!!!! xxxx
Shel Bell
Will did say hi to everyone for you.
Sarah, Kimberley, Natalie & I had a fab lunch at Restaurant Bar & Grill in Leeds, it was gorgeous! We had a good night, I didn't think much to the comedians but we did have a laugh. You should look at the pictures on Facebook, Will was in a bit of a state! The girls got a hotel room so that Natalie didn't have to drive.
I've read the Queenstown blog, you must have been terrified. What an experience!
You'll be pleased to know you got another £100 tax rebate this month. Bizarre.
Try not to kill yourselves with all your adreneline filled activities!! xxx
Shel Bell
Hi Hun,
Just read your 21st blog, that's a right day to remember! I stayed in Mission Beach when we drove down the good old Bruce Highway. My experience wasn't as good as yours though!
It's all change at work, they are not doing anymore training for Mortgages, they are training Lending instead. Tom & Lora are on the 1st course, it started on Monday.
We have a team night out on Friday, we are going to Jongluers. Me, Kimbers, Sarah & Natalie are going to go shopping in Leeds in the afternoon. Natalie, Lora & Kimbers are staying in a hotel.
It's my birthday on the 27th & Chris's on the 26th, we have Chris's sister & her boyfriend coming down from Edinburgh for the weeked. I have got Chris tickets for Coldplay at Old Trafford Cricket Ground. I probably won't get anything, Chris isn't as well organised as the lovely Dave.
Spring is nearly here, we actually have some sunshine which is fab! Hope you get warmed up soon xxxxxxxxxx
Yeah it was a pretty impressive day,Queenstown was amazing as well, dont know if youve read that blog, only just put it on.
Im taking it u had a good and messy night out, just seens Sarahs facebook status saying something along the lines of she doesnt like alcohol it akes her so ill!!!!! How come those 3 got a hotel room????
Im sure you will get something, im sure he will like his pressie, i would!
Oh and about work, im taking it mortgages have gone quiet seen as theyve stopped training, god knows where everything is going to be when we get back, there probs wont be a department to come back to!!!
Hope everything else is ok, told Will to say hi to everyone from me, dont know if he did, u know what hes like!!!
Daringdo and Tinkerbell, Hi there, the demon macine let me read all the blogs before 2am, so I think I am very lucky. It is 22 minutes past midnight and I am very tired. Your blogs are brilliant. I loved the hot beach thing. Yes David you are right, i would have loved it. The mud pools sound fascinating. What a lot of knowledge you two are gaining. A lot more interesting than it ever was at school. Now David, I think you have finally pushed Carina over the edge mentally. How on earth you got her into Minus 5 beggars belief. I can only assume that she had lost ALL her marbles. She hasn't got the sweatshirt or the big fluffy slippers or the hot water bottles.!!! You are certainly seeing a world full of contrasts and what superb ideas you are both having. I am looking forwad to seeing the photos. Hope the demon machine allows me that honour on another night. Have fun, lots of love and hugs to you both. I can't find the little orange faces anymore, so you will have to imagine the one that looks astonished.!xxx
Hi, glad you got cuaght up however we have now loaded a load more on so you will have to do it all again! As for getting Carina intominus 5 I think the big boots and oversized coat swung that one! But if you think that was an achievement have a read at what we did the last few days, now that was interesting!
Gail Cooper
Hi you two,
I live in Woodstock, Ontario but I doubt you'll be anywhere near, Canada is such a big country!
love claudia
hi hope you are having the best time in ...... where ever you are
i love you bothe
small pants
Gail Cooper
Hi David and Carina. Your mom just phoned and gave me your blog site so I've just been perusing it and it's very interesting. I'm coming over to England on July 30th and hope to see your mom and her mom whom I was sorry to hear was in hospital. I hope all goes well with her and I'm glad you're having a great adventure!
Gail (Avril's sister in Canada)
Hi Gail, it is good to hear from you again. I meant to ask mum to ask you where in Canada you live as we will be around Canada some point on the trip but not sure where yet, so may be able to come and see you if we are passing. As regards to Nan it is not at all the best situation with me been so far away, however she seems to be on the mend now so hopefully things will be a bit easier all round. x
Sarah Mck
cant wait til feb next yrs so hurry this travelling lark up and get bk to work. x x x
Sorry my love dont intnd on making you jealous just the truth!!!! GB isnt such a bad Island we havent found anywhere we could call home other than England yet, we are starting to appreciate it the more we are away, strange I know. Mind you we sill have 9 month and a lot more places to go!!
As for getting back to work, when I do its gonna b had, i am def liking just doing what we want when we want!! xx