Hey there! I'm guessing you are waiting in Singapore now, hope the frst part of your flight went ok. I'm at work at the moment and its very cold outside (don't get too jealous!) Speak soon, hugs and kisses xxxxFayexxxx
Hey sorry not replied to your messages been meaning to getting on here more to keep everyone updated, cheaper option!!!!! Hope you and Sophie are ok, missing you both. Love from both of us xxxx
hello both of you. welcome to australia and the start of your big adventure. hope you had a good journey.take care speak soon love mummy b. did you sort the bank out and am i sending anything on to you. did you decide where i am posting the certificates love to you both take care
hi carina and dave hows it going so what have you been doing today i have been at boring all school
i miss you both have a gr8 time where-ever you are going
love you both loads and loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Good luck guys. Have an amazing time. Have a safe flight, enjoy it, it's part of the holiday! Keep in touch, put lots of photos on here & don't forget our post cards. Shel xxx
Dad & Juli
Relax and enjoy the experience, but most of all, look after each other.
Dad & Juli xxx
Hey you 2 hope all is well, I am wearing my necklace and havent taken it off yet!!!! and dont plan to either!! who knows what could happen if I didnt have it on!!!
We are looking after each other or as much as we can do!!!! without getting under each others feet too much!! Apparently I always get under his feet!!! I dont see how this is true tho!!! Will speak to you soon. Love to both of you xxxxxx
Not long to go now, you'll soon be on your way. Savour every new sensation, every new experience. Get the most out of every adventure and store each one away in your memory. ENJOY!! My love and hopes and prayers will be with you every step of the way. Lotsaluv, Mum xxxxxx