Instant love for Lima! Strange too as we had heard nothing but bad reviews from this massive capital city.
Arriving, once again, in the early hours of the morning trying to blag our hostel room early we were overjoyed to be given the keys at 7am, result!! Could not wait to see my bed.
The Flying Dog Hostel was in such a great location, smack bam central. An old building decorated to the nines with Halloween decorations.
I decided I couldn't be without a camera for the rest of the trip so we were treading the city looking for deals. We walked at least nine miles trying to find the Sony centre only to realise Paul had sent us in completely the wrong direction. Pride took over and we were going to find it, we walked and walked and walked until eventually we found it, such a sense of achievement. However, I bought nothing but good for a play with the cameras. During our four hour clueless walk of the city we saw many old architecture buildings sat in-between massive sky scrapers, almost like the city couldn't decide what decade it was in, but it was pretty cool, the old buildings appeared well kept, they were gorgeous.
We walked even further down the river front, which offered great views of the lighthouse and a ginormous lit Christianity cross situated on the coast side. Just a stone through from the busy city street you can sit on the beach and it is quiet and peaceful. Close by was an outdoor mall (see photo) with branded shops and plenty of different cuisines at the ready to eat and it was all cheap, we decided to go crazy on the Chinese.
We didn't do anything in particular in Lima, just walked and took in the surroundings...and camera shopped. We looped the same three department stores trying to choose which to buy eventually settling on the very first one I saw, of course!
We would have loved to spend more time in Lima, short but sweet, we ate yummy cheap food, met nice people and come out of it with a new camera.
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