Didn't end up with all that much sleep because we'd gone to bed around 2am and had to wake up for 8am. But I was efficient and managed to get my hair and makeup done quickly before heading down to breakfast. Breakfast was wonderful - big buffet style with sausages, banana pancakes, salads, pickled herring, pastries, fruit and more. And most importantly, good tea and coffee. We didn't have much time for breakfast because right after we had to get into our uniforms and head off to the church so we could rehearse before mass.
Thankfully, they understood we'd be a tired bunch, and instead of walking to the church, we all packed on the bus and took a bit of a wide detour to drive to the church instead. Everything looked really quiet, and I'm sure it's because it was so flipping early in the morning. Surprisingly, everyone was actually all pretty awake and chatting. Probably the excitement of being in a new country.
When we got to the church we'd be singing at, they ushured us into the semeinary behind the church for a rehearsal. Despite it still being really early, the top room they'd put us in was flaming hot. Even opening all the window's didn't help much. Warm up and rehearsing was a bit brutal because despite our wide-eyed attitude, we were still tired and vocal chords are hard to get warmed up first thing in the morning.
We were given about 15 minutes at the end of rehearsal to go to the bathroom and fix up our uniforms if we needed and then get into the church. A small group of us went to the bathroom and then, instead of going in the side doors of the church like we were probably supposed to do, we went around to the front and through the main doors. That was actually pretty lucky for us because we got to walk down the main isle of the church and see the entire inside. It's a pretty traditional European church with high ceilings, big spaces and a long hall. And of course, the most important part - fantastic acoustics.
We had a few moments up at the front to figure out where we'd be sitting for the Mass and to practice a couple songs. Clair had to hold me hand for a bit because the sound of Micah's sax during our Kyrie was just beautiful in the space. We were moved into the back priest's area as they let people in the doors for the Mass.
Mass was pretty quick, actually, and we sang our traditional church songs like Kyrie and Sanctus. There were even a few crying eyes in the pews. The entire church was completely packed as well - there were even people standing in the back. Right at the end of Mass we went straight into our concert as there wasn't much time before the next service was going to take place.
It's always such a pleasure to sing in places like that were you sound amazing no matter what you do and where the audience is so appreciative. We even took the time to sing 'Treputa' despite it not being the best song we have and not a lot of people in the choir really liking it, but it's a Lithuanian song, so we got through it really well and the audience was really excited.
We all wished we'd been able to do a longer concert because the audience wanted more and we sounded so fantastic, but we had to leave after the hour as up. The priest was really nice to us backstage talking top us about our music and how far away Edmonton was and how grateful he was to have us here.
We got out of our dresses as soon as we were back in the hotel. Thankfully they have us some free time for lunch because we definitely needed a little bit of down time and some food. I ended up with Amy, Johanna, Taylor and Cosette looking for a little cafe to get a sandwich and some coffee. We were thinking about a sit-down restaurant we saw as we walked down the giant causeway, but we only had an hour, so we went for the cafe instead.
It was actually pretty cheap food and drink, if the exchange rate in my head was working well. I had a BLT with and almond iced coffee. Both were fantastic, especially the coffee. It was also really nice to sit in an air conditioned building because we were all so hot. We didn't have much time after eating - just enough to refill my IcelandAir water bottle and head into the lobby to start the walking tour.
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