This morning we set out on a 117km drive to Wallace Rock Hole. On our arrival, Cathy, a kind aboriginal lady, took us on a tour around the Rock hole. Our first stop was a tree called Er Munga Munga, used by the aborigines for bush medicine. They collected and steamed the leaves to use the water to wash in. They also ground the leaves and made a paste with animal fat to put on sores to heal them. Next up was the grinding stone. It was a big hollowed out rock with a smaller one for grinding seeds, leaves and rocks for food and body paint. Cathy showed us handprints on rocks that had been there about 6-700 years. There were also engravings from ceremonies around water holes. So if you were ever lost and saw that engraving you would know that there is water nearby. Lastly Cathy showed us some tools that the aborigines used. There were the boomerangs, coolamon ( thing they used to carry things) , digging stick and the Woomera, the spear thrower. We drove back into Wallace Rock Hole to do some dot art. My artwork showed a ceremony around a tree with a rainbow in the distance.
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