Tom's Trek
Urgh. The bounce in Bangkok.
Body thinks it is midnight. Clock says it is 6am.
Need brain to work so I don't screw up my connection.
That said, Subarnabhumi Airport warrants its own mention, as it has to be a contender for Asia's nicest airport.
From nice water fountains and free wifi (Heathrow, please take note), through fabulous reclining leather seats, to palatial architecture, this has to represent the top end of what can actually be done with an airport.
Plus, Thai people are just super nice.
- comments
Peter Stannard yes Tom, I agree that it is a nice airport. had the King Not changed the name of the airport to subarnabhumi, its old name would have been translated as Snake Swamp as that is what it used to be. The only problem with the airport is that it is a very long way to walk from where the plane arrives to the arrivals desk. Did you enjoy being photographed by the 'martian' like camera. I hope you had a good time in Thailand. I just love it there