I thought it was time to leave an update as i have been a little lazy with phone calls, emails and updating this site lately, only because i have been having such a good time, never thought i would say that about Ayr! Its been so long so i will try my best to remember everything. I think the last time i updated was in mid October, around this time i started a new job in a packing shed in Gumlu which is about 1 hour from Ayr. This is possibly the most mind numbing job in the world, and when i look at the other people working there i take a great amount of satisfaction in knowing that this is only a temporary thing for me, i really wonder how the Australian people working there settle for that lifestyle, i could not imagine living my life without dreams and ambitions and working towards achieving my goals, how the hell are people able to live with out the drive and determination to progress further with in certain aspects of there life? Where is their passion? Where is their optimism to try new things and explore the unknown? Its no wonder nearly all the Aussies i have met here are socially fu**ing retarded. Im sorry about that little rant, but for fu**sake get a life. Basically all i do at work is stack the boxes of fruit and vegetables on to pallets, exciting s**t. The highlight of my day is usually when one of the old ladies is hitting on me and trying to get in my pants, i cant really blame her though , it still freaks me out never the less. I have been working there for about 3 weeks but i got fired this morning, not talking about that, it bores me. My boss at work fu**ed up my days off, he is such a piece of s**t, he barely has enough energy to wipe his ass let alone keep on top of paper work and run a business, if he spent less time being such a fu**ing pervert to the girls i probably would not be writing this, but at the end of the day at his age that is unacceptable behaviour and it really fu**ing annoys me especially when it is directed towards people i am close to, sure through life as men get older they dont find women any less attractive, but its about maturity and with that maturity being able to comprehend as to what you say being right or wrong. The blokes a fu**ing k*** jockey anyway i dont want to waste my time. When he messed up my days off i went in to work and he asked what i was doing as i was meant to be off, although he had said no to me being off that day, he turned around and said that i have f**ked everything up and there was no work for me that day so i suggest you either start walking or hitch hike back to Ayr! Its 80k from Ayr! Your the f**k up Steve not me. Ah well, it took me nearly 3 hours to hitch hike back and believe me when i say i will never be doing it again. Im sat with Pikelet in reception at the moment and it is boiling, we just had a look on the internet and it says its 34 degrees today! And she just gave me a new job to start tomorrow, she is an angel, up yours packing shed! Other than that its been an interseting few weeks, Ann and Patrick left and headed south, i was really sad to see them go, but lets face it i have seen so many people leave, have to learn to get over it. On the last Saturday in October we had a pre-halloween party which was a really good night, i enjoyed myself so much, i spent most of the night talking to a girl called Liz from Canada, intersting girl, absolutely oozes beauty and personality. We all got dressed up and got drunk, everyone went to the pub at about 11pm, me and Liz stayed at the hostel and had a few more beers, it was wicked having some one to hang it with because there are not many good people here at the moment. We got to the pub about 1am and lasted about 30 minutes before heading back to the hostel and having some beans and eggs on toast, lovely. I went to bed at 6.30am Sunday morning and was up and about again by 9am, i went and found refuge in the lounge room where i chilled out and watched a movie, i saw Liz and Hannah come in so i rustled up enough energy to get up and go and sit with them, 6 movies, a dozen cups of tea and 9 excruciating hours later me and Liz were still sat in the exact same position. A couple of the girls cooked us all dinner which was really nice, getting well looked after, we then washed up and watched ANOTHER movie before heading to bed. I dropped a fan off outside Liz's room as her air conditioning did not work. Monday morning comes and i got Liz to give me a knock as i lost my alarm clock, we started work at 8am and got back to the hostel at 11pm, so i had beer for dinner as i had Tuesday off and passed out in the dining room after some fried egg sandwiches at about 3am, a bit embaressing when everyone was going to work in the morning. It was a relaxing day though, ran a few errands and it felt good to get some stuff done, just rented a few DVDS in the afternoon and chilled. Liz got back from work at about 6.30pm and we went and grabbed her bags and she moved in with me as my air conditioning is new, its often to cold in my room! Wednesday back at work boring.
I need to go............... i will finish this entry later!
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