Tom's Round The World Adventure.
I think its probably about time i left an update, its been a while, time just seems to fly by at the moment, its mad. I'm writing this after a very long night and drinking copius amounts of alcohol, first time in 3 weeks! Unfortunatly i am still stuck in Ayr, it is my 11th week and its driving me crazy! The farm i was working at got diseased so we were laid off from work for about 2 weeks, i ended up spending all the money i saved to leave! I fractured my metartarsal bone in my left foot and have been off for a further 2 weeks, too much time off, hopefully going back to work in a couple of days. Still having a good time however alot of people have left the hostel now, 3 or 4 weeks ago everyone new each other and went out all the time and now its all changed and the new people keep them selves to themselves, f**king b**tards, add to my boredom........... I stopped drinking about 3 weeks ago but cracked under the pressure last night and ended up going out and getting p**sed with some of the girls. We started the night in the hostel as there was meant to be entertainment, b**locks....... we had a few beers, and i showed Melissa how a 2 time pool champion plays........ we headed to The Queens about midnight after i sang about 10 songs to the hostel before i left. I just get a great satisfaction in waking everyone who has to work the next day............. Had my usual scuffle with one of the bouncers, he thinks he is a big guy like, fact is he is a f**king c**k. The Vodka was flowing like something that flows i guess, but none the less it was lovely. One of the English Lads got chucked out of the club, i cant remember why, it must be either he was to drunk or because he is ginger, my guess would be the gingerness. He then came back to the hostel and p**sed all over the DVDS and floor in the lounge room, i feel like going and p**ing on his face and see how he likes it........... As the night wore on more and more people seemed to want to dance with me, sank a few beers and went for a boogie, i cant believe i just said boogie. We got back to the hostel (Somehow) at about 5am and Melissa and I went for a game of pool, it was a bit messy though, i'm not surprised seems as neither of us could stand up. We then realised McDonalds opened at 6am so Me, Melissa & Gemma (2 English Girls) and a couple of the boys (Have no idea what there names are!) sat around and had a chat and then for some reason I ended up skipping with Melissa all the way to Macky D's, yes we did actually skip, my foot hurts again......... I had nearly everything on the breakfast menu, and after giving the staff a bit off s*** and finishing our food we were ready for the long skip home. Finally got to bed at about 8.30am and crashed out for a few hours. Was up about 12, had a couple of cans of Diet Coke and a shower to try and wake myself up, about to have some eggs for breakfast, cooking steak for dinner tonight i think. Other than that, its all good, having a blast, missing home but never coming back, haha.
Peace Out :)
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