From Cancun, after a unusually quiet last night, well quiet in cancun terms, still left me with quite a hangover, we took the bus to Merida, via Chichen Itza - some Mayan ruins which have been voted one of the seven wonders of teh new world, which was actually pretty boring, you weren´t allowed to climb the big pyramid, or even walk within about 10 feet of it, so took a few snaps and then headed off. Merida is a small town in the Yucatan with not much but a pretty cool hostel and a few little market squares, and 1 pub which we have ended up in every night with various different travellers. Met some people who are also travelling a roughly similar route as us in our hostel, and this crazy german guy who has bought a 52 year old classic american car and is driving to california which was pretty cool, except his car broke down twice this week already. Yesterday we took a tour of some cenotes, which are caves with underwater lakes and rivers in them, so pretty much spent a day snorkelling, diving and jumping into underwater caves which was awesome. Also stopped off at a local meat market which was incredible, seeing as there were skinned, whole pigs and cows heads for sale, for only $3 or $4. and about 100 dead skinned chickens being shoved in your face every so often with crazy meixcan women trying to flog them to you. Today we get a bus to Campeche, about 2 hours away where we stay for a night, meeting up with a few people from the Hostel in Merida, and then on Wednesday at midnight we catch an overnight bus to Palenque, where hopefully we will see some Mayan Jungle ruins, have a jungle, river tour and swim in some waterfalls in the middle of the jungle. So basically heading of into the jungle, where i´m sure i will get even more bitten by the mosquitos.... Will upload some photos when i can be bothered, which wont be that soon probably.
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