Betty does Japan (and a bit of Australasia.)
Walking around the temples of the ancient capital city, Nara, I was politely bombarded by a very enthusiastic group of kids, who had strayed from their school trip to ask me various questions from their English textbooks. 'Where you from?', 'What is your name?', 'What animals you like?' A firm believer in interactive teaching methods I thought I'd be very encouraging and ask them questions in return. Unfortunately we got rather stuck on question one ('how old are you?') which I desperately began to act out for my bemused-looking audience (five years of drama training, you think I'd manage with a bunch of ten year olds). Let's just say there was a lot of flailing. As someone who has plenty of experience floundering with language barriers in foreign lands, I recognised their disheartened expressions all too well and eventually dropped the questioning in my own little personal puddle of failure. Both embarrassed parties bounced back quickly though and one of the yellow-hatted girls sweetly presented me with a very tiny origami samurai helmet (I'd like to think not just out of pity!). A highly useful gift in case I ever decide to wage a battle or two...that floral paper hat will serve me well. Oh yes, that's another thing - sarcasm does not translate well in Japan. :)
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