The Great Wall
The opening for the Paralympic games is starting soon, unfortunately we're not there. But we experienced other great thing, the Great Wall. We didn't take the cablecar to get up but we climbed first some 350m to get to the wall. We were at Mutianyu which was opened for the public for 20 years ago. It's length for public is 3000m.
Must say that it was really heavy climbing. Steep steps of different sizes and on different heights. Sometimes the hills on the wall got very steep. We all three walked to one end taking pictures and walking on easy pace. Afterwards I still trecked to the other end where it was much more remote without the sounds from cablecar or tourists. Suvi and Tiina came down with a "sleigh".
Walking alone in remote place really made me feel relaxed eventhough I was sweating like never before this year. My back was all wet and my clothes were stinking but I didn't mind as I had some mountains around me and the Great Wall ahead. It would be interesting some time to do a longer trecking on the Wall, that is possible on certain parts of the Wall but maybe next time.
When you're up there at the Wall and really start thinking how much effort the men had to put to construct it, you realize how amazing it is. First it was build for ten years. In the beginning it was only a wall of "concrete" but then afterwards it was re-build and "covered" with the stones - that took then 100 years for those 5000 kilometers.
Soon it's the time to go and eat - Beijing Duck!
Ps. We didn't drink Belgian beer, the street was a disappointment... :(
pari sanaa kirjottelen ku pitaa odotella et noi emannat lopettaa illallistamisen ja sit saadaan maksettua meian junamatka. huomenna on siis suuntana zhengzhou. saatiin siis liput. neljalta ip:lla on lahto, matka kestaa vaan 6h. majotus on viela hakusessa, mutta varmistunee huomenna. soitettiin johki sinohotels-onlineen, jossa jopa puhuttiin hyvaa englantia. harvinaista taalla...
muurilla oli kivaa, kipuaminen ylos pisti hien valumaan kunnolla ja jalat koetukselle. kun erika lahti tsekkaamaan viela toisen reitin, ma ja tiina keksittiin menna alas sellasilla kelkoilla pitkin metallikourua. oli kyl varmaan siistein homma talla matkalla tahan mennessa. harmi ku ei paassy paastelee ihan taysilla ku edella meni jotain arsyttavia hidastelijoita... paluumatkalla oltais ajettu olympiakylan lapi mut se oli suljettu lympialaisten avajaisten takia. oh so sad. en siis ite hirveesti perusta kummistakaan lympialaisista. penkkiurheiluyliannostus hankittu joskus ala-asteikaisena.
jep. taas tuntuu silta ettei tarvi ku istua paikallaan niin hikoaa. nukuin tossa just sievoiset 3h paikkarit, iski aivan jarkyttava vasymys.
mut joo, erika lahtee nyt syomaan ankkaa ja ma katon mita loydan...
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