Picture post card Xingping
Yesterday I said goodbye to the girls and hopped on a bus to Xingping, 40 kilometres from Yangshuo up north. Actually before taking the bus I spent three hours drinking and eating with a girl called Tanya, from Israel. We met her on the cave explore. First I was only supposed to have a cup of coffee but it was so nice and interesting with her that we ended up having even lunch together. As we (T, S, me) always travel threesome we don't make very many new contacts. But it's really nice to be with another person every once in a while.
The bus trip took an hour. Was a bit bumpy but greatest view. This is a small towm where the river cruise boat make a stop so that tourists can buy fruit, clothes and souveniers. At night time it was totally quiet it; for the first time in China I heard total silence!!!
Yesterday I had a small walk up to the hill next to the hostel. The hostel lies less than 100 m from the river. Climbing to the hill wasn't the easiest. These Chinese love to build steps everywhere and also there the path was made of stone steps. But not very good steps and nothing where to grab sometimes. But once you got up (after 30 min) the view was magnificent! Mountains every where, river running beneath. You could only hear the boats. For the first time the Chinese tourists were quiet and just tooking their pictures. One Chinese girl told me later that this really is a place where people come to relax and enjoy the view. Suits me well after the big cities.
I had my first Western dish yesterday, a Margherita pizza. Was tasty even though the Chinese food here is naturally much better. I just ended up being too lazy to out and eat alone, and here in the hostel they only provide pizzas.
I made a new friend out of a Chinese girl. Actually I didn't need any contacts, I wanted to relax with a book (not reading many books here but this one time I got a great feeling) but a room mate of mine was very eager to talk to me. So I asked about China and she talked and talked and talked. To 'escape' from the situation I went to take a shower and then to bed. There she didn't bother me too much. It's nice to make friends but it's also nice to relax alone.
Today will do a 15 km hiking along the Li River. The sun is burning but will take it slowly and remember to drink enough water.
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