nakojaan taa blogi toimii myos kiinassa. tai siis naa sivut. hyva niin. ollaan vasyneita turisteja talla hetkella, tanaan on koluttu kielletty kaupunki ja beihai-puisto ja aamulla oltiin kattomassa maon kalmoa... naytti aika muoviselta. nyt mietitaan seuraavia siirtoja, milla junalla lahetaan sunnuntaina xianiin kattoo terrakottasotilaita.
jeps. siis kaikkien matkat kiinaan sujuivat hyvin. tiina saapui jo aikaisin eilisaamuna ja treffasi erikan kentalla. ma sitten saavuin joskus kolmen-neljan aikaan majapaikkaan seikkailtuani eka parilla bussilla lentokentalta pois. kiva ku busseis oli kaikki vaan kiinaks. noh, paasin perille kuiteski. loobailtiin sit jonkin aikaa kampilla (sikahieno, 2 makkaria ja pari partsia ja m\kustantaa vaa jotain 12 egee yo per naama) ja sit lahettii ettii silkkikujaa jonka piti olla 15 min matkan paassa mestoilta. joo, kaveltiin 50 minuuttia ennen ku loydettiin sisatiloissa oleva silk market, vanhaa silkkikujaa ei siis enaa oo. mutta meita siis vahan huijattiin naissa etaisyyksissa. vitsi siel oli aggressiivisii myyjii, yhet tytot tarras mua molemmista kasista ja koitti saada kojuunsa ostamaan takkia. talla saalla, haloo! sen jalkeen kavastiinkin syomassa jossain laheisessa mestassa, erika kokeili oikein erikoista kurkkujuomaa, suosittelen kaikille. kaveltiin sit viel takas mestoille. ah taa on nyt kylla tosi huonoa tekstia. lopetan tahan, koska erikan pitaa paasta koneelle.
Greetings from hot Beijing
Soft and safe we arrived, yesterday. I met my sis at the airport from where we headed to our apartment. With no clue to where to "drive" our taxidriver called the landlord and finally we got here. The ap. is very nice - much more than we expected. 27th floor, two bedrooms, kitchen, balcony and bathroom with washing machine. Nice start. Suvi, my friend found her way, by bus; she arrived from S. Korea.
We are very in the heart of normal suburb. Ugly, tall buildings with smelly, dark corridors. People walking here and there, cars and bikers dribbling. And crossing the street, phew that's much more exciting here than on turist areas.
Already seen Mao (didn't buy him flowers), the Forbidden City (I recommend to watch the movie "The Last Emperor"), Beihai Park, Silk Market (which is situated indoors nowadays) and shopping street Wangfujing. At the shopping street we didn't buy almost anything, me only springroll and Suvi 2 T-shirts of 1e each. I suppose we were quite tired from walking and being in the sun and that's why couldn't be very interested in goods and stuff. This was after making long walk in the Forbidden City and Beihai Park.
Food till so far has been tasty, once a bit tastless but who counts. I am willing to try all kinds of different weird things but I'm saving myself still a bit - let my body get used to this place first, especially my belly.
Now you know we're alive. Will write better as I get some better inspiration and more time. I have always a lot on my mind when we're walking on the streets but unfortunately the thoughts cannot be sent to this blog then. This is a place you should experience yourself. The city offers a lot but on the other hand makes you quite tired.
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