Bonjour and hola!!
Again I'm off on another tour, this time with a fuzzy head... I really want my bed!!!! Serves myself right!!
So struggling to remember where i left you all last time... I think I was about to go to Pompeii...
Well!!! AMAZING!!!!!!! Seriously, it was out of this world!!!
So beautiful and eerie at the same time, I can't go into a description of it because there's too much to tell, just look at my pictures on Facebook and you'll see!
We lost Katie last cruise :-( she didn't die or anything, she just went home... But it's ok, she's back soon! Yay!!
So, we are now doing a cruise around France and Spain, so far so good... I've been to a few of the places before, like Nantes and la pallice, today we are in Bilbao, which again I've done before....
Yesterday we were in Bordeaux and it was beautiful! Such a pretty city, especially at night... We had an per night there so you all know what that means!!
Well lets go back to the beginning of the day because it was quite eventful.
(Sorry if my grammar or punctuation or spelling is bad, I'm trying to survive on 4 hours sleep)
Anyway, we decide to get off the ship and find wifi. There was myself, vicki and Hayley - Hayley is the new girl and so far she seems normal... Time will tell... Hahaha!
So we all decide to get off with a few guys from the galley department... This guys were as bad as children!!!! Running off left right and centre, walking into buses and poles.... Funny!!
Then we all settle on a bar in a park, I think there was about 9 of us altogether... All seems good then out of nowhere a French woman starts accusing a couple of our guys of stealing her mobile!!!! So the barman comes and asks us if we've seen it of anything, we say no obviously, we don't have it...
So ten minutes pass and the guys are messing around, trying to start a fight club.... Don't ask.... Vicki and I are enjoying a bottle of wine.... Hayley a cola because "it's too early to drink, it's only 1pm" it's 7pm somewhere though!!! When in Rome and all that, or rather when in Bordeaux haha!
So anyway, drinking wine and having a good time.... Then..... The police turn up!!! Not the band, the actual police!!!! The woman had called the police!!!!
Incroyable!! I've never been so thankful for my language skills, because suddenly all my French came back to me and I was speaking with the police, the barman and the lady trying to sort it all out... They searched our bags and checked the guys pockets and obviously found nothing... But needless to say it put a dampener on our day....
I choose to think that it was an honest mistake on her part and nothing to do with the nationalities within our group....
So, cut to vicki making me drink our wine because we paid for it and we weren't going to waste it... It was nice wine though!
Then we went for a wander round the city, spoke to some people met some English people, and some Filipinos which was quite cool! All in the search for macdonalds because bladders were going to burst!
Came back to the ship, ate and slept, felt hungover so had another beer, then all us shoppies went out together and had a good night... Me speaking more French... My French is very good after a few drinks!!!
So it was a late night followed by a busy almost sea day, so 13hours... Then last night was a galley party.... Fun times!!! Nice food, free sangria/death drink and dancing....
That sangria has nearly killed me! And now I'm on a tour in Bilbao...
To be fair, when I went to Bilbao last time I was not impressed, but now it's lovely... But you always see more on a tour than by yourself...
I don't know what else to say, mainly because I am running on fumes...I really want to sleep!! Why is there not a tour to my bed??
I have no idea what I've written on here now, but I'm sure it's entertaining for other people to laugh at my misfortunes! I feel like an idiot abroad, minus Ricky and Stephen, actually thy would be quite cool.... I'd probably kill them though....
Anyway tour time!!! Tomorrow we have avilles and day after coruna then back to England. It's been a short but sweet cruise, but next cruise is going to be amazing!!!!! It's the Mediterranean cruise again and it's vickis birthday so lots of fun in store!!!!
A bien tot!!!
I need to remember my Spanish again now, I keep wanting to speak French and vice versa when in France!!! Too many languages in my head!!!!!
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