Belated Happy New Year!!!!
I hope everybody had a great Christmas and great new year celebrations!
I really enjoyed my holiday season, though I did miss my family, friends and Jerwin.
I can't remember where I left you last, I think I was in The Gambia....
I've not done any tours since then, I've just been working and chilling and enjoying my friends on the ship.
I do have some good news I've been promoted to trainee manager :-) yay! And when I go home in my vacation they will send me to do jewellery training and then I'll be a jeweller too :-) many strings to my bow now!
And Jerwin will be back very soon so I'm happy! It feels like it's been such a long time but on the same score it's gone quiet quickly. He comes back on the 12th, so actually, by the time I upload this blog he may actually already be here :-) yay!!!
I've got my contract dates sorted as well.... I'm due to come home on 28th feb and then I should be due to rejoin Braemar on 2nd April :-)
I'll be home for mums birthday and nana mafias too which should be good.
I'm afraid this blog will be slightly boring because I don't think there's anything of great merit to talk about, I just wanted to make sure you all knew I was still alive....
Ok I'll talk a bit about New Years, we spent it in Madeira... Beautiful!! The fireworks were absolutely amazing!!! Something like 50,000 fireworks in 8minutes they were saying... Brilliant!!!
We did go out for a meal - steak on the stone of course!!! Got accosted by these random Portuguese guys... Very funny!
It's a shame though because I was sick over new year, I had a chest infection and on New Year's Day the doctor signed me off for 3 days.... Bloody hell did I have cabin fever... 3 days off work sounds great... But not when you are stuck in the cabin for those 3 days!
I honestly can't think of anything else that's worth mentioning.... It's just been days of work, drink, eat, work, drink eat.... God I'm boring!!!
Oh well I'll write again soon when I have more things to say... It's Katie's birthday soon and obviously Jerwin comes back so I have things to occupy myself with...
Ciao for now from a very boring Kim (what's happened to me????)
An up to date message from me?
Sat in a cafe with wifi needing food and waiting for tonight! Boom!!! Xx
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