Tim and Debbie's Travels....
Hi all
Finally arrived back into civilisation 12 hours later than we expected, after getting a train that stood still in random platfroms for most of the journey....a gruelling 31 hours on a hard sleeper, dryed noodles the staple of the jouney, yay! We'd booked our hostel, but overlooked to write down the address, so couldn't find it, finally got lucky around midnight, when a lady at the Captian Hostel, took pity on us and cancelled someones reservation to let us stay there. Cool hostel with beds like sailors bunks...anyway..
its very modern here, bit like New York to look at. Have wandered around the old town and chiled out in the Peoples Park where we saw a meeting of loads of Chinese parents advertising their daughter's credentials to find them an eligable mate!!!
Crossed the river last night to head to Cloud 9 bar which is on the 87th floor of Jinmao Tower, China's tallest building and the fourth hightest in the world. Sadly despite having to change elevators three times, we were cordially refused entry on the 87th floor because we were wearing flip flops. Tears. You will be pleased to know that whilst there are no view pics, there are some pics of the lift on the way up!
Going to try a more successful mission upto the second tallest building here, the telecommunications tower, which is more for the plebs. Off to Japan soon for some much needed sushi!
See you later, T & D
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