Tim, Chris and Edd´s And James's Long Ol' Adventur
I'm in Chengdu at the moment killing some time before my mammoth 16 hr train ride to Xi'an to see some dynastic china.
Since last update ive been into the mountains to a place called Songpan where i did a four day horse trek. Wasn't as good as hoped for as although at first glance my horse looked ok it was nt too good under the saddle. Added to this my guide was a right b******! He kept hitting the horses until i lost my temper and took his whip away and threatened to punch him if he did it again. After that he was a little wary of me seeing as i stood head and shoulders above him. Had numerous arguments with him in the end getting him fired - and good riddance - anyone who hits a horse in the face with a knotted rope gets zero sympathy from me.
After the horse trek i went in for the Tibetan massage which is the thing to do as it helps ease those sore thighs and bums. I think i left in more pain then i entered. Seriously the strength of these really small girls is incredible - i doubt i could inflict that much pain even if i tried!
After Songpan i headed to even firther and higher into the mountains to Juizhaigou national park which was stunning, seriously ive never seen anything like it (tim + chris it reminded me of lake Macenzie but nicer water even if the temperature rivalled that river in NZ).
All this was in the Himalayan foot hills and by foot hills i mean we got up to over 4000m and the mountains were loads higher stil, beats our measly 931m Scarfel Pike thats for sure!
Oh yeh on the trek after a hard days riding i got offered some sort of water (i understood the word water but not the other) so being fairly thirsty i take a huge gulp only to find my eyes bulging and throat in some serious amount of pain! Turns out the word i didnt know was 'fire,' so there i was doing my best to get through an entire groups worth of whisky in one go. the guides found it hilarious and started joking about english being alcoholics. Being the nce guys that they were (xpt my guide!) they left me a healthy swig at the end to help put of the longing until that night when i could get at a beer (their words not mine).
They've got crazy drinks over here too, who but the chinese would mix whisky with cold green tea and some local tea and then serve it in clubs? Also found out that if a group of chinese ask you to drink with them then you need not worry for drinks the rest of the night - your glass is never empty and they won't let you buy drniks cos that implys they're not giving you enough and aren't being generous! Brilliant country this!
Was goin to try and put photos on the site but chinese comps being what they aretake for ever and a day to doit so youll have to wait til i get to Hk in a couple of weeks.
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