4th August
We got up today and did the usual routine of washing, dressing and eating free breakfast. We bid our Argentinian friends farewell and left for the bus stop....the plan was to get a bus to Burgas and then another to Varna and then onto Ruse as this route run more frequently. Plus it would give us an extra site to see. The first part of the plan went off without a hitch the issues began when we got to Burgas station, we were sent back and forth between the info booth, ticket sales and bus stops before we established the next bus to Varna was at 1 and the direct bus to Ruse was at 2:30pm (4hours away). We opted to wait a little longer and get the direct option. The frequent buses to Varna were not that frequent.
5 hours later we arrived in Ruse, for some reason the Lonely Planet said this was like a piece of Vienna. We struggled to see the similarities. It felt like forever walking to the main square. The square was pretty with a central statue, but we didn't miss too much by arriving this late. We managed to find a room at the English Guest House, dump our bags and headed off to do a quick tour and search for food. We took some pics of the town and strolled to the Danube before settling at a bar for something small, it had been a long day travelling and hanging around bus stops so we were both looking forward to heading to bed.
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