By the time we got up and ready this morning it was already time to check-out and head to the airport. We said our goodbyes to Ray and hope to meet up again soon.
The airport was tiny so it was pretty easy to find the check-in desks. Once we were checked in we browsed the net and Mark brought some Chocolate for the upcoming 20 hour bus ride from a supposedly famously chocolate shop ´Para Ti´.
No sooner had we boarded the plane we were landing in Santa Cruz. This was the best decision we had made. 25 minutes instead of 25 hour!!!!
We then jumped in a taxi to the bus terminal, arriving locals were doing there usual routine of shouting destinations, Sucre, Sucre, Sucre......
We said ´Para Paraguay´to one of them and a few shouts later we were suddenly running behind a guy beckoning us to go faster as we darted in and out of the crowd, around boxes, down the side of an old shabby ticket desk, back outside behind the station to an door that was boarded up with tape. It was locked, a few kicks and shouts later, a man opened the door. We were back in the station at a bus desk.
With the right price and checking the time and condistion of the bus we finally booked our bus tickets. We had to wait 4 hours for the bus, so we grabbed some Pizza and played the waiting game.
Mark is constantly worried about our bags that we have left in the bus ticket office.
We stack up on food and drink ready for our 20 hour bus Journey into Paraguay......with 10 days left of our South American chapter.
- comments
Lesley I am a bit confused!! How is Mark worried about the bags? A bag was stolen was in front of you!!!!!! Mum xxxxx