We came to Kanchanburi to see what is called "The Death Railroad"
There is a lot to see here in this town that was once a story of great hardship, strife ,grief, and
This is the story of a Railroad track that Japan wanted built at any cost during WW!!,
to supply their lines
more quickly, and safely. to send ammunition to troops to expand the fight into Burma and India .
This is a 258 mile railway, More than 100,000 prisoners died during the construction of this
railroad. About 38 prisoners of war for every 6.6 miles of track laid. For every railroad tie laid
one POW died.
The POWs meals consisted of rice and salted vegetables served twice a day, in small portions.
They were forced to work 16 hours a day, in atrocious conditions . Many prisoners were tortured
for the smallest offenses .
Savage beatings.being made to kneel on shape sticks while holding a boulder
for one to three hours. or being tied to a tree with barbed wire for 2-3 days without food or water.
Many Burmese , and Malay were told they would be paid to work.
Since work was scarce they
agreed for awhile. But when they got there it was more of a slave than a paid worker.
When they would no longer agree to go the Japanese said they either went or they would cut
off there heads.
When the first survey was taken it was said it would take 5 years to build this railroad.
Construction began Oct 1942 and the railroad was completed in August 1943.
After it was built 30000 Pows were kept in camps to maintain the tracks.
There was little food. and meat was scarce. When meat did come it was often spoiled with
maggots and the Japanese would throw it in a pit and bury it.
The POWs would dig it up at night cook it and skim off the maggots.
The prisoners were skeletons walking around.
They died of beatings from the Japanese,being worked to death,
starvation. Beri Beri, ulcered sore, malaria, cholera, and medical neglect.
, mostly from a lack of
vitamins and minerals.
Major AE Saggers on June 1943 said" Never have I dreamt that I would see the day when
human life would be held so cheaply"
One POW wrote " Mosquitoes from above lice from below."
28 men would stay in a tent that was made for 8 men.
The doctors were often beaten for caring for the patients.
Medical orderles were heroes . They would stay with the sick and care for them , even at the
risk of becoming infected themselves.
Records were kept and the Japanese were afraid to disturb the dead so the POWs would bury
records of what was going on, so that when the war was over everyone know the truth of how
they had been mistreated.
Asian 200000 80000 dead +/-
British 30000 6540 dead
Dutch 18000 2830
Austrailian 13000 2710 dead
Malay 75000 prisoners 42000 dead
Burmese 90000 40000 dead
USA 686 356 dead +/-
Korean and Japanese soldiers 15000 1000 dead
This was a very hard museum to look at. No pics were allowed ( sorry)
They showed replicas of the medical facilities and what little they had to work with.
Pictures of emaciated men so thin every bone showed.
But from Japanese perspective still able to work.
Even tho that was hard. Walking the grave yard had me in tears.
As you walk the stones read 23 years old, 19 yrs old, 34 yrs old 21 yrs old
and on and on and on. So many lives cut short, in such a brutal, tortured way.
We had to leave, it was just so heart breaking.
Many were prisoners for up to 3 to 4 years.
Tomorrow, we are taking the train on the bridge over the River Kwai thru the Hellfire pass and I
will tell you more about this
The movie " Bridge over the River Kwai" many may remember. Many think it was based on
real life , but it was fiction.
"The Death Rail way is both a testament to man's capacity for evil and to man's unfailing
tenacity and bravery" Scott Murray
- comments
Marilyn Morgan I remember Mick talking about the "death railroad"' . He was stationed in India and Burma. I am so amazed at the statues, they look like they are gold. How are guys dealing with the language barrier and I am little amazed at your transportation, I can't remember seeing any thing with 4 wheels.
thriftydrifters Pickup taxis are usually Toyota pickups. We do Love hearing from you