This is a dream.
We are starting a raised garden for our host. They want a garden but not sure how to get it
set up. Hey right up our alley.
Getting our stuff set up so it's convenient We be moving in, for however long. We set no date
to leave and we have an agreement as long as we are both happy everythings ok . When we
get itchy feet we will look for some place new.
We have a paradise, our whole front wall is windows. Last night we laid in bed and watched the lighting. Tonight it's raining. But the day was gorgeous.
We have an out side bathroom, bamboo walls, cement floor, flush toilet. the top has a roof but the sides are open, you can hear the birds while you are in the bathroom. Taking a shower with nice hot water and birds singing is just the most incredible way to wake up in the morning. So cool.
We have a living room, bedroom, a small kitchen and bathroom, what more could anyone ask for.
We sit on the patio and have our eating table overlooking the valley.
Will head to Sams club tomorrow. Stock up on a few major things.
There is some sort of a celebration tomorrow, so should have some great pictures for everyone.
We are told that the ladies are in beautiful dresses with baskets of flowers on their heads.
I will find out more tomorrow.
Our host family is fantastic. They are taking us to the celebration tomorrow. They will have alot
of local information and be able to tell us what is going on.
They came here 20 yrs ago and did not know anyone or any spanish. Now most of their friends are Mexican and they can speak as fast as if they had been here their whole lives.
They have built a retirement paradise. What a place. If you ever want to just get away. Be able to look at the mountains on one side and a beautiful valley on the other. Just have peace and quite! Get away from it all. Look up her site on they have a 2 bedroom bungalow they rent out, short or long term. You are about 15 min from Oaxaca Mexico.
Really great people. If your lucky she will take you to Mercado de Abastos--- Oh lala what a market. It took her three weeks to figure out how to find things. It"s huge!!!! So easy to get lost in for the whole day if you want.
Great times
- comments
KennH Looks nice! Is it a jungle-like vegitation there?
thriftydrifters A mixture of palm trees and mountain pines. Not really jungle. Tropical mountains.Banana trees, orange, lime, lemon, mangos, Bamboo us used for roofs, fences, walls.