hi everyone,
aplogies for the rushed message before, was very expensive! we are on our last day in thailand now, just waiting for the boat out of here in a couple of hours and then onto malaysia! although we spent longer than expected here, due to the full moon party, we have had a good time. it was put back two days due to the thai elections. the party was great fun although unfortunatley i lost Tom and spent most the night looking for him! it was a great way to spend the last night with all our friends, we'll miss angie who flew out to oz this morn and although we plan to meet up again it wont be for alittle while as she goes to perth first i think. last night we stayed at a luxury resort in haad son with a swimming pool!! and a private beach! it has been lovely, lots of families and young couples with babies so makes a welcome change to the crazy crowd down south. we have been chilling and sunbathing all day to catch up on our tans and generaLLY relax as a belated birthday pressie for Tom. We have definately had our first real pangs of homesickness and Tom is contemplating coming home early but we are both keen to go to oz first and from there we will decide what to do i think. im torn half and half and would love to come home but i know there is much more to see!! so we shall see how it goes!! we've spent lots of time talking about what our wedding cwill be like aswell over the last few days which has been fun, im thinking thai food for sure!!he he. we fly to oz from singapore on 3rd march and its the 26th today, so have a few days to make our way down. cutting it fine as our visa runs out tommorow so it will be a mad dash to the border but its not too far, so we're told... the beaches and the sunsets will be greatly missed thats for sure. whats happening at home? any exciting news? please keep us updated as we love to know whats happening!
another thing ill miss is the thai food, ive had two curries today and one yesterday just to get my last fill of all the flavours, unfortunately my curries aren't a paych on the real deal so i will have to improve my cooking skills when we come home. Toms favourite is a pad thai and he did have two in one day at one point!!
well hope all is well at home? hows summer? and lily and bloss?? any chickens yet? speak to everyone soon, all our love, Thomas and Sarah x x x
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