i guess there is quite alot to report this time as we've been here a week, lots has happened so ill try to to leave anything ot!! apologies for the keyboard, all the letters and numbers have the wrong stickers on and the space bar is rubbish/
well we came over here by boat with Angi, from boston. met two girls from yep you guessed it Canada and then spent best part of three hours trying to find a place to stay. Tom lost his patience within about 10 minutes (maybe something to do with a hangover from the night before....) so he sat with the bags while Angi and i trekked round the islnd for a bungalow hut. after anotherhalf hour of everyone shouting FULL at us we decided to headback empty handed to Tom. I felt really bad about not having found somewhere so on the way back i rented a motorbike as a suprise. suddenly after that Toms hangover dissappeared and he was very enthusiastic about looking for a place to stay!! (only if he was driving though!!) so we left ang with the canadians who had found a little shack and Tom and i went off on the bike. Before anyone worries he's a very good driver and we were very safe, unfortunately the two canadians and two of our other friends have fallen off the bikes theyrented in the lastfew days and have badroad rash to show for it. but thats because they were on roads that we dirt tracks, not tramack, or they had been drinking. we have been extyreme;y safe, sticking to the main roads and certainly not drinking.
so ack to it, we found a place, not too expensive and a great position and the people who own it are so lovely!!! they have two young girls about 5/6 who insist on posing for each other and pretending to take pictures of each other with 'pretend' cameras. of corse when i pulled out a real camera they looked like all their christmas's had come at once and when tom started to pose with them, they just loved it!!! so we have a great place to stay and have met some MORE canadians who have intoduced us to even more canadioans!!!
over the lastfew days we have mostly chilled out on the beach and taken a bike round the island and up the coats. ohh Tom has just finished and its alot more expensive than we thought so ill have to summerise the lastfew bits:
we both got our hair highlighted blond
i got another ear piercing
toms birthday was great fun and everyone turned up for it we went out drinking and phoned Toms home to chat
we are stayuing up north for our last night in a swanky resort before we leave thailand
we've run out of time on our visa and may not make it to malasia on time...
the full moon was postphoned two days and so its tonight instead!!
i think i covered most things also, thanks for your msg trees it was good hearfrom you!! plus ellie i never thanked you fotr the iron, we have actually used it and its great!! also just wondering if the sony ericcson phone is still at the griffin house as brother steve has lost his phone so it may come in handy, please could you let me now? thank you
sorry to cut this short but Tom reminded me how expensive it is and i forgot!! speak soon to everyone, we miss you all very very much and miss home a great deal/ hopefully i will phone home soon aswell, love from Thomas and Sarah x x x
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